TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Agreed with what you are saying, but my point was that the media as a whole has to stop writing headlines/articles like his base is going to:

    1. read them
    2. not call it “fake news” anyways

    The media’s constant crusade to “both sides” every story is a disservice to the facts, and down plays and white washes the facts for everyone. Calling it just a “hush money” trial is a way to downplay the fact that it was actually Trump’s way to hide a damaging story when he was running for office. And the crime was the way he hid the payment so that it wouldn’t look like it was being done on behalf of his campaign, while breaking Federal tax laws making Cohen’s reimbursement look like income. It was also a crime allowing the National Enquirer to pay to catch-and-kill stories for the campaign as illegal campaign contributions (as they were above legal contribution limits, and were unreported).

    So yes it was fraud, and it was fraud against the American people, in the form of voter manipulation, and tax evasion.

  • Trying to make the news “fair and balanced” or “both sides” sounds like a great way to enable fascism. If a candidate is going to continuely do/say things that are going to have a large impact on the country, then reporting on that should absolutely be shared without fear of a ban just because the “other side” hasn’t done enough negative to write about.

    I understand not wanting to be filled with shit posting, but legit news sources should be the goal, not trying to balance reporting which IMHO sounds more like election interference.

  • I wonder what the GOP take on Hunter’s trial is going to be? I’m going to go out on a limb and say, if convicted they will praise it, while at the same time saying Biden has the DOJ weaponized against Trump. If Trump’s DOJ hadn’t shut down all investigations into his crimes I’m sure his Federal ones would have started while he was still in office. He also wouldn’t have had to rush to announce his running to make his cases “political” even though nothing states he can’t be held accountable and campaign at the same time. Running alone shouldn’t be treated as some shield to prosecution as it is due to everyone afraid of looking “political” and feeding right into the crazy arguments from criminals.
