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Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Such senseless loss of life in the name of religion. Many hundreds or thousands of people die each year doing the pilgrimage, often times from crowd crushes, literally getting squished to death because there are so many people, or just exhaustion.

    There are only a few short video clips on YouTube of the massive crowds and it is sort of unnerving seeing that many people in a moving crowd. Super weird what religion makes people do.

    There is also this weird video which talks about how they plan to revolutionize the hajj to make it safer and accessible to more people - using technology in a weird blend of old world meets new.

    I do hope they find a way to make it safer because people will never stop doing it, but the whole concept just seems absurd to me.

  • In his mind, he asked for forgiveness so it’s all good. They can commit all the ‘sins’ they want as long as they ask for forgiveness.

    Christianity has a built in mechanism which allows one to be a horrible person and then feel good about themselves because they asked god for forgiveness.

    In the majority of cases where abortion is being considered, it’s probably the right choice.

    This idiot thinks it was wrong for him to be a party to an abortion, but since he has been forgiven already he is confused as to why anyone would bring that up.

  • If I wanted to polarize, I would be on truth social shouting fuck trump, not on Lemmy.

    It’s the billionaires that shape the world, not you and me.

    The world you would rather live in is not the world you actually live in.

    If you get upset when you read naughty words or read an opinion you don’t agree with, then grow up and go fuck yourself.

  • While forensic linguistics is pretty cool, the Unabomber was caught because they released his manifesto and his brother’s wife and brother recognized the unusual phrasing such as ‘Eat your cake and have it too’.

    If an author has a large amount of known works then it’s not too difficult to identify other writings by that same author. But if the author does not have a large body of writing that is known to come from that individual, then the best we can do is determine an approximate age and geographic location where the Individual grew up, and that’s only when the unidentified writing is large enough, like in the case of the Unabomber where his manifesto was 30k words.

  • I would argue that conspiracy the other way around… they keep us pacified with $2 cheeseburgers so that we don’t revolt. There will never be a revolution in the US so long as the beef industry continues to receive it subsidies which keep the cost of a Big Mac at around a half hour’s wages.

    That said, if you really think that starvation is a liberal conspiracy used to control the masses, then you are simply delusional.

    It’s conservatives that are trying to undermine social services like food stamps and healthcare, not the liberals.

  • Ok hear me out…

    Trump wants to be a dictator, sure. He was a terrible president and it would be a disaster if he was reelected.

    Now that you know my position, listen to what he said at the NRA convention. He wasn’t saying ‘hey maybe I’ll serve 3 terms’… what he was saying was ‘if I get elected in 2024 then would that be two terms or three terms? Because we all know I was elected to a second term back in 2020 and so even though Biden is acting president, I am in my second term now, so a win in 2024 is a third term.’

    The man is an idiot and rambled incoherently throughout the NRA speech. He reiterated his usual batch of racist xenophobic statements and bragged about his uncle at MIT… he is a one trick pony and there is plenty to poke fun at.

    Would he tout the idea of a third term for himself? Sure! Is that what he did in this case, not precisely.