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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I babysat him while he was 7-8 years old. He was better with hand tools than many adults I have seen.

    One of my interview questions to get the job, if you can call it an interview, was whether I knew how to use a skilsaw and could make cuts for him. He would measure and mark and set the piece up. I just had to double-check that he set it up safely and then make the cut. I am pretty sure if his hands were just a bit bigger, he would have been able to do it himself. He was very diligent in making sure the board he wanted me to cut was stable with nothing in the line of fire that the saw could hit. He would say it out loud even, “nothing in the line of fire, check.”

  • If you recapture your thoughts and rephrase the question, curious what you were thinking.

    “Male Gaze” is like “critical race theory” in my opinion. It has a defined meaning within feminist theory, but that’s not necessarily how it is used by normal people in daily conversation and certainly not how bad faith actors misuse it.

    A classic, approachable example of Male Gaze is the YouTube video comparing how female characters are filmed in Suicide Squad versus Birds of Prey. Does it come to the conclusion that a particular camera man on SS was a sexist horndog? No. It’s more how filmmaking has tended towards showing women in a certain way and here is one way it could be different as we get more women directing and producing. I think of it as challenging the idea that the default perspective is that of a man’s; that’s not really true, society just pushes women out of decision making roles so we are disproportionally inundated by male perspectives.

  • A coworker broke down near my house on a weekend. He called me for help since he knew I was nearby. I had been doing house projects, so was in athletic shorts, hair bundled out of the way, sunscreen, everything for function and comfort over fashion. He had the audacity to comment. MFer. I dropped him at a gas station to wait for his girlfriend or whatever. Hopefully she made him wait a really long time while she got dressed up to meet his unnecessary standards. Never know when one might need a little black dress and updo to change a tire.

    What has changed over the years is my awareness of shitty men being shitty and my shortening patience with their shittiness. The dude described above was just a shithead, I am not spending my energy pondering his behavior through the lens of Male Gaze.

    Male Gaze is separate from quality of dating pool. I generally think of Male Gaze as broader cultural trends in how women are portrayed, not how an individual man looks at me. Male Gaze is different than “how that one male over there is gazing at me”. I don’t get what you’re driving at with that section of the question.

  • Huh, I wondered how they detected it but it reads like most were via software.

    I had a test computer that needed to stay awake for 6 hours but IT wouldn’t allow me to turn off screensaver/lock after 10 mins of inactivity. So we agreed to putting it in a room locked by badge access and using something to trigger the mouse. I got an analog clock with a second hand, taped a piece of paper to the second hand, laid it on its back, and put the optical mouse on top of it so the mouse would see the flag every 60s and stay on.

    I wonder if Wells Fargo uses keystroke and mouse movement monitoring to detect that sort of thing. I expect it would be easy to design.

    Also, lol at the whole thing.

  • Vanth@reddthat.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelfhosted alternatives to Goodreads?
    17 days ago

    To get off Amazon’s Goodreads, I migrated to Storygraph. It’s not self-hosted, but the social aspect of recommendations and reading reviews from a substantial community was something I wanted to maintain.

    Storygraph has a migration tool to move your Goodreads history and lists over. Free and paid tiers. Enough engagement that there are book challenges and reasonable recommendations.

    I didn’t learn about Bookwyrm until 6 months after joining StoryGraph. I don’t think I’ll migrate again unless SG pulls some unexpected nonsense.

  • Mine generally starts within a 2 day window. Mine starts with spotting, and I have a half day from that point before the real flow necessitating pads or tampons starts. So I know before planning for my day or going on a trip whether I’ll need to pack for a likely period or not, and my usual trips to the restroom through the day is enough to monitor for spotting.

    I have pads and tampons stashed strategically, in my desk at work, in my car, in backpacks and gym bags and purses. I even keep a couple emergency “to share” kits for when another person is in need; a small bag with two pads, two tampons, some wipes, and a dose of ibuprofen in a blister pack.

    Dealing with a period the first few times was horrible. Just the newness, I found it a bit scary, figuring out the best ways to keep healthy and clean, the boy in middle school who pulled a tampon out of my bag, unwrapped it, and started making lewd jokes in front of half the class. But it’s mostly boring now, the only time I really wish I didn’t have it now is when I do things like backpacking and have to worry about hygiene without running water and appropriate disposal.

    Of course this all will vary wildly. I had a friend in high school whose periods started heavy, unpredictably, and with little warning. She played softball and if she was within a week of time for her period to start, she would wear a tampon and pad during her games just to be sure. She had previously had a bit of breakthrough during a weekend tournament and having to wear those shorts with a spot of blood for the rest of the weekend really embarrassed her.

  • I think it’s a thought experiment that hits with the general public. Scifi writers put it in their work because it sets up great stories without being overly technical. Physicists talk about it and use it to get research grants to work on things that sound far less sexy.

    Do most people want to hear a scientist talk about searching a teeny tiny patch of space for a particular wavelength of light or do they want to hear about Dyson Spheres and Von Neumann probes and 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    I’m going to go watch an episode of 3BP on Netflix now.