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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • The Leftist vote is flaky. Trying to appease you is a exercise of futility.

    If timed right, the Dems might be able to hold your vote for a single election. But done too early, you’ll find some new cause to be polarized by, done too late and you’ll have already made your decision and nothing will change it.

    And by “you’ll find some new cause to be polarized by”, I mean conservatives will spoon feed you a new thing to be polarized by. It’s so damn predictable and you take the bait every time.

    But sure, keep playing stupid games with the general election. You’ll be paying with the rest of us when your stupid games hand the reigns over to the fascists. Or we’ll spend the next term trying to make things marginally better while you whine that it’s not good enough the entire time.

  • He is correct that the forces are different. The equation for centripetal force is Fc = Mv2/R.

    Radius is the distance from the focal point, and each seat will be different distances.

    So he is technically correct that seat position could be calculated in perfect conditions with accurate measurements.

    But none of the data that reaches this service will be remotely accurate or complete enough to make that determination. It will only have one passengers phone data, and even if it collected everyones phone data, phone sensors have a margin of error well above what the difference would be. GPS data is only even marginally accurate up to something like 6ft, and really not even then. Then cars have a lot of other factors like suspension and compression in seats, etc, that would absorb enough of the forces to muddy the data even if accurate sensors were everywhere.

    Tl;dr; another cocky person that took a few physics courses but walked away with a poor understanding of real world applications talking out their ass.

  • Essentially what I’ve been doing. HD rental truck. But truck availability and requiring multiple round trips to return and pick up my car means I put it off until I’m blocked, and then needlessly stock up on sheet goods that I might need in the future, but ultimately sit around for a year or two before I use them.

    But yeah, this is what I’m doing while I bide my time for truck prices to drop. And I’ve push back a bunch of projects that rely on ply because I just don’t want to deal with the hassle.

    To your point, I bet the trailers are probably more readily available. The trucks themselves are very hit or miss in my experience. But there always seems to be trailers in the lot.

  • I think that Hunter was only prosecuted for this crime because of who his father is. A real witch hunt. But at the same time, I’m not losing any sleep over it. He broke the law, and he’s someone with a lot of resources at his disposal and should have known better.

    As for the law itself, I think the law should exist, but the potential punishment of 25 years is absurd.

    I do think that keeping guns out of easy, legal, access of active drug abusers is appropriate. But as you say, without a conviction, the scope of those restrictions should be narrow and appeal-able.

    And the punishment for being untruthful on a checkbox of an application should be a slap on the wrist. Confiscation of the firearm(s), and maybe community service. It should be the governments job to do proper screening, not the applicants job to screen themselves out.

    But like I said before, I’m not going to lose any sleep over this, even if I do think it’s an unfair punishment for an arbitrarily enforced law, on someone targeted by a cult simply because of his family.

  • The sheer amount of energy people put into hating others who just want to be left along is mind blowing.

    I remember a discussion with a friends sister. They were making some anti trans argument/joke or whatever, and I butt in with something like “why do you even care? How does it affect you in the slightest?”

    She told me this story about how she asked a Costco employee for assistance. “Excuse me, ma’am… ma’am!” And the employee pointedly ignored her and walked away. Then another employee ran up and quietly told her that the employee identified as a male, but that he’d help her.

    That was it. That was the one Trans story that she could bring up on how her life was negatively impacted by a Trans person.

    At least she accepted how absurd her complaint was when I laughed in her face and told her “and? So Trans people can be dicks just like anyone else?”

  • I’d honestly love one of these, depending in if it’s powerful enough to haul a decently heavy load up a hill.

    I woodwork as a hobby, and have been wanting an old truck for a while, but the used truck market is pretty insane right now. All I want is an old beater with a reliable engine and a standard sized bed that’s capable of hauling sheet goods (4ft wide) without hassle.

    This would check those marks. If the price was right, I’d happily drive this little guy around.

    Instead, the market is full of ridiculously sized pickups with tiny truck beds because either the cab is huge, or they waste so much space making the truck look “tough” that the beds shrink narrower than 4ft.

    As long as I can get a small truck in a V6 so that I don’t stall out hauling something heavy like cement bags, I’m in.