• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Rough patch.

    My wife is going through chemo for colon cancer. Prognosis looks good. But the treatment is hell. Halfway through next week.

    Her aunt lives with us. She has Parkinsons. Starting to really slide. Needs bathroom help every 2 hours - 24x7x365. No one sleeps much here. She’ll need to go into assisted living real soon now. Will she live longer than her money? Maybe.

    My kid is 14. Good kid. Smart. Well-intentioned. But 14 is hard. And he’s a total slacker.

    My mom just had gallbladder surgery at 80. She’s recovering well. But lives on her own and needs extra attention. We all worry she will need to go into assisted living, too. But she’s mostly broke. Not good.

    The place I work was bought out a few months ago. My job is likely safe through the end of the year. But after that… well, we all know how it usually goes. At least my wife’s chemo will be covered until then.

    I’m over 60 and overweight with HBP. No heart attack… yet. But that can’t be too far off.

    So… plenty of pressure all around. But I manage to keep to the Stoics’ philosophy and accept the world as it is. Be patient and kind and let things happen as they happen. I keep trying to loose weight.

    Either we get through this, or we don’t. But I can easily accept that we all did our best.

  • If I can offer something…

    Those are not your embarrassment. My father confessed to his other daughter only as he was dying. She was 30 at the time - I was over 40. He had hidden her from us for all that time, disguising all of his time with her as business meetings.

    Before he died, my mom got to hold HIS first grandchild while she still had none. She held my stepsister blameless - all she had done was be born. And my mom cried at my father’s wake - they had a lot of years together, and some were good. But we’ve all moved on. It’s been 20 years since he died.

    My advice is to let the past stay in the past. It was, and reliving it won’t make it different. Be in the now and work towards your better future. I truly wish you peace on your journey. We all find it in the end.