• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023

  • Games are art. I have full respect for an artist who does not compromise their vision for someone who refuses to engage with the art, on the artists terms.

    A lot of people played The Witcher 3 and thought the combat was boring, but never spent time preparing for battle by considering which oils and potions to use - because they didn’t need to. They were playing on easy or normal.

    These people robbed themselves of the experience of immersing themselves in the role of a Witcher, and turned each encounter into a button masher.

    Imagine being a developer and seeing people shit on your game for ‘unengaging combat’.

    Now, sure, you can make the argument that that’s just one element of The Witcher 3, and some people are playing for the story - and fair enough.

    But there isn’t anything analogous in the Souls franchise. The gameplay IS bashing your head against a wall for ten hours. You don’t get to just turn down the difficulty, breeze through every boss on the first try, and claim the game is boring.

  • Isn’t this the same argument as “if women can’t have abortions, they will stop having sex”?

    Nobody gets married under the assumption they will get divorced. Marriage is supposed to be a gesture of a life long commitment.

    On top of that, there are financial benefits to getting married.

    I highly doubt this would stop anyone from getting married.

    People should stop getting married because it’s a government contract based in religion - it’s gross and I don’t want either of those things being involved in my relationships.

  • I’m still waiting for my proposal regarding instant orgasm to be classified as sexual assault regardless of whichever animal it’s cast on.

    I don’t care how hard it is to breed Panda’s, we can’t just make them nut on command.

    I’m not pointing fingers here, we’ve all made our pets seize on the ground for a good twenty minutes or so while we finish the latest episode of Keeping Up with Prostatulus uninteruppted, but we’ve got to do something to stop the fucking apprentices from doing it for shits and giggles, it’s pretty sick when you stop to think about it.

    At a bare minimum limit the orgasms to one minute, and necessitate a bodily fluid retention spell. I’m tired of stepping over the puddles when sneaking out the newbloods quarters.

  • Note to auditor: replies following initial provocation not visible to general public. Internal communication regarding discretion procedures isolated to employees and deliberately disseminated amongst subjects with a paranoia score of >29, for the explicit purposes of experimentation #56-2 regarding deliberate dissemination of internal documents to challenge psychotic hypothesis limits.

  • Great episode.

    I’m tempted to believe in reality, some kind of “mutually assured destruction” scenario would occur.

    If I was to create a simulation, I would add in a recursive condition wherein the detection of another simulation would crash the system.

    But the theme the episode really touched on was whether it was right to tell another the truth about reality. Maybe that reality isn’t another layer up, but that God exists, or maybe not.

    Assuming you found out we really were in a simulation, what is the right thing to do? Force everyone to learn the truth? Hide your knowledge of it?

    If you thought: “I can tell the people who want to know”, you’ve just created a cult.

    Personally, I’m convinced we are not in a simulation. But that’s only assuming the level above us is somewhat similar (a universe that started with a big bang and formed stars and planets and evolution etc).

    Think of it this way: an advanced society would need to evolve more than us, meaning more filters to pass before achieving this kind of power. This means unlimited power and unlimited processing power.

  • Most people in this thread don’t get it.

    You know how some people compete to see who can get Doom to run on the craziest platforms, like a calculator?

    Installing Arch with the fewest packages is like that. There’s something oddly satisfying about stripping everything back to the most basic level - to make things work for you within the most constrictive environment you enforce for yourself.

    It’s like eating a spicy shellfish dinner and super gluing your asshole closed.

  • At the risk of sounding critical of your hobby, to argue the imperfections improve the experience sounds somewhat culty.

    I understand there is something akin to “character” which you don’t get from something highly polished. I know when things sound too clean it can feel sterile.

    I accept vinyl has a collectors value, but anything claims regarding preference come across as either pretentious or deluded (to me, as someone who probably can’t tell the difference).

  • They shouldn’t be enduring a hard winter because they shouldn’t be bred by people in the first place.

    Dairy cows get abused often on farms. You’re either not seeing news about it, or you’re willingly ignorant.

    You haven’t met a vegan farmer? Wow that’s so strange! I’ve never met an atheist Christian before, but I’m sure they’re out there.

    I am a city creature, but I’ve chosen not to participate in the exploitation of animals for ethical reasons, what’s wrong with that?