• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve recently started putting together a home studio and made the mistake of asking online what I should consider before painting my monitors. Nearly half of the people who responded said, “Don’t do it, it’ll ruin the resale value.” Like dude, I’m not here to be on a god damned gear treadmill. I’m here to make music. Gear is just a necessary evil to me and if I never have to buy monitors again I would be so happy. So, If I can get some extra joy out of them and make them mine, I’m gonna.

  • I wholly agree with your initial sentiment, although I envision it being structured differently. I think it makes sense for a person to have a name when they are growing, especially one given to you by your parents since they are (typically) a huge part of who you are at that point in your life.

    But, no one stays who they are when they were 7, or 12, or 16. By the time they’re not a minor I would argue that they’re hardly the same person. Thus, I think it should be expected and tradition for people to change their name once they truly become individuals.

    And I think it doesn’t even have to be a legal thing. Parents can just be like, “think about and pick your new name” and once the person decides, they (and everyone else they inform) just starts calling them that name.

  • Huge soda fan so picking just one is super hard but I’d say:

    Oronamin C or Sweet Blossom’s Rose soda

    Oronamin C is a Japanese soft drink with a taste that is often described as “drinking (American) Smarties”. It’s incredibly refreshing and delicious. Sweet Blossom is I think an eastern European beverage company and they make a rose flavored soda that is to die for. It has far and away my favorite quality of carbonation (very fine, soft bubbles).

    Other honorable mentions include Ocean Bomb: Sailor Mercury (i.e. pear flavor), and as a big fan of cherry colas, Bawls Guarana Cherry Cola and Fentiman’s Cherry Tree Cola.