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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • So the meme is in agreement that defacing Stonehenge as a protest was pointless?

    It was as pointless as everything else, that’s why they did it, it’s screaming into the void to get attention.

    There are ways to get attention for a cause without defacing one of the seven wonders of the world

    Are there though? I’m old enough to remember this has gone on for decades without anyone doing anything of significance and now we’re at the actual edge of global catastrophe and STILL people are like “hmn, those kids should be recycling.” Bruh, you and so many people have no idea how many lives are going to be lost in the next century while every milquetoast liberal and conservative in the developed world roll their eyes and get pissed at slight annoyances like… checks notes colored corn starch on rocks you will never visit.

    It’s like trying to shake someone in a dream to get them to pay attention. And the more you scream and hit them, the more they look ahead like zombies.

    They HAVE sprayed BP’s factories and lots and machines, they have sabotaged equipment and chained themselves to machines and have caused material harm to companies like BP, but that doesn’t get any fucking coverage because media doesn’t want to encourage “violent activism” for fear of turning away viewers like YOU who are annoyed by such things.

  • One of the older meanings of “spirituality” was the idea of finding the origin of your thoughts and feelings with self-exploration and meditation, it’s about asking “why” of yourself about your experiences until you find some level of more pure truth. It had very little to do with anything mystical or even religious.

    Everything that happens in the world happens in your own mind, spirituality is just the exploration of the mind to better understand the world.

    So yeah, fuck those scumbags and pedos for abusing yet another good thing and perverting the meaning of the term even further.

  • They’re already being grifted, they have already passed the first filter.

    People sometimes wonder why scam emails and phone calls are so obvious, with mis-spellings, bad grammar and poor English. The thing is that they do this on purpose. Running a scam takes time and energy, you want to work marks that you know can be manipulated easily, and if someone can’t determine that an email from “micosaft.pAypal-Customre-Sercicve.com” isn’t legit, they’re VERY likely to buy the story that they have to send money via Western Union to some random address in Kazakhstan to get their share of the king’s inheritance.

    Being in maga is basically that. If you’re wearing a red hat and waving flags and spouting off FOX news lines to anyone who will listen, you’re a mark.

  • The average progressive or even liberal in the US hates hearing this, but the vast, vast majority of Trumpers are actually “okay” people, and you would all get along splendidly in just about any other context.

    The problem is though, they are dumb. Don’t get me wrong or think I’m sticking up for them. I just have some amount of sympathy and pity because I grew up out in the boonies in Southwestern USA, I was raised conservative and only flipped in my 20’s after seeing too much horror and war hurt people I cared about, and by extension, I learned to care for more than just the people I know.

    A lot of people haven’t learned that. We take for granted that empathy is a learned skill, and we expect others to have it on demand and we tend to resent those who don’t exercise it. My take is that we’re expecting people to exercise muscles they’ve never even stretched. These are people locked in communities that they will likely spend their whole lives in, often times decaying outskirts of America, rampant with drugs and alcohol abuse, stuck in low-wage jobs or jobs that demand them to spend every waking moment working. They have no time nor opportunity to learn how to incorporate “care” into their daily misery, much less political knowledge. Then someone like Trump comes along, someone they only hear clips of and hear their “news station” praise while simultaneously explaining that all their problems are because of people who “hate america” and are trying to destroy families with scaaary things like abortion and gender-fluidity. It makes sense if your brain is desperately looking for a story to explain why you’re so unhappy. Which is how all our brains work.

    We all have to remember that the worst people in the world are identical to us. We could have been born in their lives with their ignorance and tunnel vision, and all their feelings of fighting against a stacked-deck and hopelessness against change that will (supposedly) take away their only comforts in life.

    I am getting really uncomfortable with the hate the left is directing at people who are simply dumb as fuck. Yes, they are dangerous, yes they are capable of doing better, and on top of that the only examples we SEE of this segment of America is the most horrific and malicious, the people storming the capitol or screaming at rallys or beating up protestors. They are the worst, but not necessarily the rule.

    I had family members who were going to vote Trump and JUST needed to see the clips of him speaking that don’t make it to Facebook news feeds to change their mind. Approach this from a place of education and compassion and you will all have better results.

    Let’s save our hate for the real evil, the grifters and pundits who are pied pipers for the ignorant. They are smart and know what they are doing and it’s pure evil.

  • I grew up watching PBS; Sesame Street, Mr Rogers, The Electric Company, 321 Contact, that weird math show with the math cops… all the classroom ASSET programming, and so on.

    I lived in the back-country so I assumed that everyone was into learning and being smart and understanding how everything works. I thought “Wow the future will be grand if so many people my age grew up watching the same things and wanting to learn and read and think!”

    Holy shit, the last several decades have been a massive disappointment. Like, crippling depression disappointment.

  • I understand if your personal stance is that there should be zero government intervention in what people choose to use or not, but we don’t live in that world and likely never will because of the complexity of society.

    So under THIS society and governing system, what would you say should be done about social media and it’s growing negative influence on people, particularly younger people and children? let’s say you’re THIS government and your people are asking for help with this problem so you need to spend the money they pay you somehow.

  • The idea of a warning is not because anyone thinks you’re going to read it and get scared and stop doing the thing you’re hooked on.

    The idea of a warning label is so your ice-age brain, the brain that loves to make up stories to explain things, has something to connect with when you start having a negative experience on something like social media, or something to help you realize that the thing, whatever it may be, is addictive and the reason you’re having problems is because of that addictive quality. We greatly overestimate our brains and our capacity to properly identify threats and tell ourselves the correct story to escape the threat.

  • A lot of people don’t understand how anything like this could help, but keep in mind that policy shapes society as much as the opposite. Yeah most social media users are going to roll their eyes and ignore warning messages, but we’re out to help people, not necessarily today’s people.

    When you grow up around the normalization of something like, the “officially sanctioned” knowledge that social media can be dangerous, it gives you something for your brain to connect with when you realize you’ve been ruminating for hours or days about what someone thinks about you on the internet. It really does help the brain when you can more easily identify a threat.

    And more than anything, this would set a powerful precedent in the social view of mental health. Again, when you grow up seeing a thing is normal, you are more readily able to identify the source of the problem when a bad thing is happening to you.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldwell shoot
    17 days ago

    That’s how you build natural immunity.

    Not everything you’re infected with gives you benefits, there are a vast many transmissible infectious agents that can literally kill you. While the chances of licking your finger in a grocery store and getting something that bad are pretty slim, it does happen, and your “natural immunity” is working all the time anyway, you don’t need to DO anything to help it along, stop thinking you know better than either medical science OR your own body. If you’re annoyed with how other people handle their hygiene, how about be an adult and keep quiet.