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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月11日


  • The monkeys paw curls.

    An invisible force prevents you from doing anything that would be even remotely detrimental to your health.

    You are puppeteered through your every day, losing all agency in your life choices as your invisible guide takes you through a 24/7 balanced and healthy training and diet regimen. Your physical health skyrockets as your mental health nosedives.

    You dread waking up but as soon as you’ve had precisely the right amount of sleep you are jolted awake with a prod, immediately sitting bolt upright to resume your routine, prisoner to your own gorgeous shell.

    You begin to look forward to the bland meals, because at least they’re a break from the puppeteering. Well, as long as you wilfully eat.

  • The Pathless is pretty awesome

    Sky: Children of the Light is splendid

    Horn is pretty neat but I guess its 12 years old now

    Baba is You isn’t originally a mobile game but it has a native version which is pretty excellent

    To answer your question, its as others have mentioned: catching a whale is more lucrative than appealing to the average consumer. The entire micro transactions industry (which mobile gaming is built upon and makes it the most profitable portion of the gaming industry by a mile) is all about milking your customers for everything they have without them realising it. Why did we reach this point? Unregulated capitalism, probably.

  • I find them neat, but there’s just too many issues I can’t overlook.

    The environmental impact of these technologies is immense, and growing exponentially.

    A vast amount of the training data used for the big llms and image generators is not in the public domain, which is at best ethically grey but at worst just blatantly exploiting artists and other professionals.

    If there existed some alternatives to the big names that avoided both of these issues, I’d love to use them for code autocomplete and image generation for ttrpgs, but as it stands the moral cost is too high.