Maybe he just likes being gagged
Maybe he just likes being gagged
Trained on 99% reposts
Gordon Ramsay isn’t the best chef on the world, still he has the most restaurants by a big margin
A ton of people would say Tswift is their ultimate fantasy fuck even though she isn’t the hottest girl on the planet (she still could be a model probably, being slim and tall)
Being famous always has a certain pull to it and if you do it right you can leverage being famous to become even more famous
Worlds top athletes are overpaid (at least in team sports) would you rather have the #1 player or a team full of top 100 players… Well the #1 player sells a ton of merch, but almost always the team with more depth is winning games (if the budget is equal)
This has been a thing for a long time
Clippy was an assistant, Cortana was an intelligent assistant and Copilot is AI
None of these are accurate, it’s always like a generation behind
Clippy just was, Cortana was an assistant, And copilot is an intelligent assistant
The next one they make could actually be AI
Alec Baldwin was also the producer, so he has a say in who they hire… which means he should also be held accountable
“I think I selected traffic lights, therefore I am” Descarte
Because it’s beneficial for the species
If you can tell when the other is happy you are more likely to produce offspring and less likely to die by angering someone further
If emotions were random for every person life would be way harder
Abortions are prebirth, so should guns