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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Take everything with i say with a grain of salt/do some searching to get more specifics of what I say, its been years since I’ve really considered myself properly Catholic and a lot of what I learned is a bit rusty.

    It depends on the flavor of Christianity, Catholics and some Protestant denominations that are still traditionally pretty close to Catholics, like the Anglicans, use the all black outfit with the Roman collar, that black collar with the white tab for their day to day outfits and the wear specific robes and garments when performing Mass.

    I’m not sure of the details of the various flavors of Orthodox, but the bit I have seen tend to also use the various robes and other garments.

    Some flavors of Protestant tend to focus on their leadership being part of the people and being in service to others (and actually do a lot of community service) tend to wear fairly plain common clothes.

    And then the big Protestant mega churches that operate more like tax havens than actual ministries serving the community, tend to wear the nice suits and fly in their private jets.

  • I’m not someone deep in the throes of poverty, I’m decently middle class and I work an office job but 12 hours of my day is dedicated in service of my job. My alarm goes off at 6 so I get up, washed, and dressed in the morning, leave by 7 for about an hour drive to work, I have an 8 hour work day with an unpaid hour for work, and an hour drive back home which brings me to about 6 pm. I’m already tired from the day and by the time I’ve made dinner, eaten and cleaned up it’s easily close to 8:00. Before I’m too tired to go much further past 9:00 or 10:00.

    And before you say, “why not move closer to your job” Gee I wish I thought of that but I live at home with my parents because homeownership is quite a bit beyond my economic ability at the present moment and rent is even more expensive than having a mortgage.

  • I understand who you were replying to but you gave an example of some random vaguely left leaning conspiracy theorist with very little following in general and compared her basically unknown presence to the absolute massive media presence that is Tucker Carlson, where nearly every person in this country has probably heard about him. He’s not on the fringe, he is the mainstream.

    Pointing out she’s a leftist example of what Carlson is currently doing is just a straight up false equivalence. She doesn’t have the media following Carlson does, she doesn’t have the political sway Carlson does, she didn’t have literally millions of people watch her show every day.

    Dont bury the lede, say exactly what you mean. What was the point you’re trying to make? Some leftist nobody joining RT is the same thing as the biggest media face of right wing propaganda? There’s only 2 reads for that line of logic, either left-wing conspiracy theoriests have just as much political sway as the oil baron funded propaganda machine? Or Tucky McNear Swanson-heiress Carlson, face of conservative media, joining Russian state media just isn’t that big of a deal?