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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • What? Are you saying you dad and all his friends used to use muzzle loaders before the ar-15? We’ve had bolt action at least since WW1 and semi-automatics have been common since WW2. There is no way you dad and his friends had muzzle loaders and only changed to AR-15 because of the popular crowd.

    Or are you trying to say bolt action, but don’t know firearms? Because most of the old hunting rifles were old military surplus rifles largely made popular by familiarity of those who used similar in military service and the high availability of rifle rounds in common calibers.

    Things like the Civilian Marksmanship Program that got old M1 Garands into civilian hands and the ubiquitous amount of 30-06 ammo that was easily accessible to hunters all over the country lead the previous era of gun owners. The current era of vets are familiar with the m4a1, but thats not available to civilians. But the ar-15 is similar so veterans tend to pick up the ar-15.

    The ar-15 is also highly module. It can be rechambered in almost any caliber, has many attachments for accessories, can have the barrel, muzzle, and stock changed making it a favorite of anyone that finds a hobby in firearms. If you picked up a complete ar-15, you can change essentially everything but the lower receiver and have it be the “same” gun.

    That’s why it’s popular and why so many people have one. Since it’s so popular and so common, it gets used in shootings. Not because of the traits you listed, but because the most dangerous gun is the one the criminal already has.

  • Let’s see, there was the one I just started anti-depressants and they had unexpected side effects preventing me from getting hard. It was a rather poor sexual experience.

    There was the other, which is way more fun, where I befriended a women I was working with. She was lesbian and had a kid. Her last sexual experience with a man was when she was raped. Anyway, she invites me over and after a couple drinks we settle in to watch a movie and start fooling around. I go down on her for a while and then she has me move towards normal sex. Literally ten seconds after I enter her, she excuses herself and goes to the bathroom to throw up. She thought she was going to be okay with it, but had more of a reaction than she expected.

    Eventually, she comes back out and apologizes. I didn’t mind though, we ended up just cuddling watching the movie until we fell asleep. 10/10, would sleep with a lesbian again.

    We stayed friends for a while, I introduced her to one of my other friends and she dated them for a while. We hooked up a second time a few years later.

    There was another one that didn’t understand her kinks or communication yet. She would say things to try and get me jealous. She would also constantly say no or stop during sex and then get mad or frustrated when I would stop. It ended up just being a little awkward, but we were young and dumb. Too young to understand discussing what she wanted before starting sex and agreeing on a safe word.

  • The problem is that most electric stove tops duty cycles this way. It’s terrible for low temperature applications in something that doesn’t have the mass to retain heat. And something that does have the mass takes a long time to hit those low temps unless you start with longer time on duty cycles. They also suck for precise heat control.

    You can’t use a resister anywhere else in the circuit because it would be wildly inefficient that way. The only option might be regulating voltage. But that’s easier said than done.

    I don’t think electric is necessarily bad. But it’s choosing the right tool for the job and both should probably be in a range instead of having it be one or the other.

  • If you want to make a meaningful change, you have to play the long game. Right now, we have to vote to mitigate even worse disasters. If I had a viable third party in the presidential race, I would vote for them.

    But the key word is viable. We don’t have one. So while Biden isn’t my favorite, my vote is less for him and more against Trump.

    If you want to have a chance to see a third party that more represents your political views, you’ll need to campaign for a third party in local, state, and congressional elections for probably decades until they become popular enough to become a viable contender for the presidential office.

    But in this presidential election, advocating for voting third party only benefits one person and that’s someone who not only would allow a worse genocide but will actively harm people in your community. Voting third party because Biden is complicit makes your actions, as noble and idealistic as you think they are, actively create a worse situation and makes you just as complicit in the pain and suffering that Trump will cause.

    So campaign and vote third party in local, state, and congressional elections and build that following to disrupt the two party system. But you’ve already lost the presidential election.

  • Lots of room for someone to run away rapidly?

    So, like the athlete supposedly in danger would be able to do? Kind of puts a damper on the whole someone was in danger theory you keep trying to push.

    This is the same mentality that got a teen shot because he rang the wrong doorbell after getting the address wrong or the man shot for using a driveway to turn around. The world isn’t as dangerous as you’ve made it in your mind.

  • When entrees are all up in the 30s versus in the 20s, it doesn’t matter if [customers] know that you are gratuity-inclusive.

    I tip 10-15%, how are prices so much higher that then jump into the 30s for a meal? Most of my meals our, tip included, don’t hit the $30 threshold. I think that their prices, even accounting for tips included, were off.

    “I think a lot of people don’t see the system as being broken, or anything. And a lot of people love tipping,” he observed. “They feel some kind of power.”

    He thinks people like tipping because they have power? That’s kind of fucked.

    They spend a bunch of time saying that the locations they included tips in payed $5-6 less per hour. How can they even say they ran a location with tips included if they didn’t even match the tipped wages? They overcharged for food and still didn’t pay the staff enough. I’d say that’s a lot of mismanagement rather than a failure of a no-tipping restaurant.

    Here’s another core concept that places don’t seem to understand, if your business cannot make it without underpaying staff then you shouldn’t be in business. Someone else who can manage it will fill your gap in the market or the market will correct itself.