vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • exactly! whenever anyone says imperial units are “more intuitive” and better reflect “how it feels to humans”, i can only think: obviously, you grew up with it. that’s what you know.

    no matter what measurement system you were raised on, it will feel intuitive to you and reflect how you as a human experience the world because you are used to measuring things in those units. having said that, i’d much rather we used metric if for nothing else than the ease of unit conversion.

  • i think it is incredible how different cooking techniques can completely change tofu and you can do basically anything with it.

    i’ve been making it myself for a couple years and what i make now is worlds better than when i started. recently i had a japanese bbq tofu dish at a restaurant and i legitimately do not think i am capable of preparing tofu like that myself - so cool to know that there is always new ways to enjoy tofu.

    your food looks delish btw

  • that’s great, but most vegans you speak to will tell you that we aren’t telling the people who lack the privilege we have to go vegan. we’re asking our neighbors, our bosses, our friends - people in similar if not the very same life circumstances as us - to walk a couple aisles over from where they buy the meat in the grocery store and buy some beans instead.

    people love to bring up the privilege thing, but i would argue that it is entirely irrelevant. the entire point of veganism is to do what is reasonably possible and practicable. not to tell people who don’t have the privilege to be so discerning about their diet that they are going to hell or something.