Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude…

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Honestly, one of the most impressive out of all the ones I’ve tried. Entirely new game maps, plus soul and weapon randomization. Totally random effects, so you can end up with weapons that are completely useless and won’t hit anything, or ones that fire like handguns. So much customization to make it as hard or as easy as you want. Also, I absolutely love that they also randomized the dialogue too. Sometimes it’s gibberish, sometimes it’s actually funny. Totally worth giving it a try!

  • Gonna leave a bit of advice for any young folks that might see this. Something I wish to god someone had told me when I was 20.

    Start an annuity plan. They’re generally stable, all but guaranteed to accrue money. You can set a percentage of your paycheck to be deposited automatically into the account. If you have the option to do this through your employer, do it, find out if they match the deposit like mine. Put 10% of your paycheck in there. After 10 years, I have $40,000 sitting in a retirement account with a progressive series of bonds set to mature in between now and my retirement age. Those bonds will roll back into shorter term bonds as they mature, and add more value to the account. My projected retirement age is still 72, but at least I know that money is there.

    Also, after 4 years, the account matures and you’re able to borrow against it, like collateral for a loan. So if I wanted to right now, I could take that money and use it as a down payment on a house. I’ll be expected to put it back, but the interest is generally lower than a home owner’s loan.

  • “They wouldn’t even let me talk! How am I supposed to debate when I can’t talk all the time? Biden got to talk when it was his turn, but they wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise while he was talking to tell him how wrong he is… Also, what am I supposed to do with a pen and paper? Who uses a pen and paper in this day and age? Am I supposed to write a letter? Why can’t I have my phone to tweet live about how unfairly I’m being treated!? Literally the most rigged, one-sided debate in ALL of history! And I’d know! I’ve been warning everyone this whole time they’ll rig things from the start! Just like they RIGGED THE LAST ELECTION!!!”