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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It sounds like they need a little more oversight but if you read the article the cop was working around the safeguards and using real case #s and whatnot.

    The audit caught him though which is a good thing. The not so great thing is that this was an audit to figure out their usage for re,doing licenses, and not a routine audit to check for…behavior like this.

    The biggest issue I have with all of this is that he resigned before the merit board could make a determination…so what? That’s that? I’d imagine they can still make a determination.

  • Because with the way we do our voting (first past the post), a vote for Stein is effectively a vote for Donald J Trump, Convicted Felon, adulterer, fraudster, sexual assaulter, etc, etc.

    This election is NOT the election to get “principled” with your choice. The consequence of Trump getting another term is incredibly dire for the health of our country and democracy. The consequence of Biden winning is a shift back in the right direction. Jill Stein and other candidates will still be around in 4 years and you can vote for them then-- and she’ll lose then, but maybe, with another 4 years of Biden, we’ll have laws protecting womens choice, supreme court nominees that aren’t conservative lunatics, and forward thinking stability. So you vote 4 years from now we’ll be on more solid ground in the event you cause a Republican to win.

    If you vote for her now, and Trump wins as a consequence, you might not ever get a chance to vote again. (only being a little dramatic).

  • The article even states this is a thinly veiled ad for some other “method”.

    The agile manifesto is fantastic. Scrum can work wonders as a means for providing a framework to hang “agile principles” onto.

    Most organizations don’t do “scrum” well or quickly lose sight of the “why” behind it.

    Companies are gonna company at the end of the day. Process + bureaucracy + buzzwords + ill-informed management + vendors promises + shit customers/product owners = late projects.

    Agile done right, works. The benefit agile has over waterfall(the process it replaced in a lot of places), imo, is that it’s predicated on working software, responding to change and working collaboratively/iteratively.

  • Thank you for posting the actual numbers. This article is pretty shitty imo. I read it just to see if they even included them (I guess, to their credit, at least they did that).

    4,3,5 and 10(even though the govt is reporting 6) over the last 4 years.

    So even assuming 10 is correct, using the “more than doubled” almost seems like journalistic malpractice. At best it’s click-bait garbage. Where was the “ICE sees 25% drop in in-custody deaths” article a few years ago?

    Should we watch it to see if it’s a broader trend? Yea, probably. Is this necessarily indicative of anything nefarious? No.

    There could be (and likely are) legitimate reasons for the increase that have nothing to do with “ICE bad”. Like maybe, people coming in already sick, maybe an older demographic, unvaccinated people, etc etc. or literally just random fucking chance.

  • I don’t watch much TV anymore. Actually I’ve probably watched less than an hour of actual TV this year.

    Watching that clip of Noem was shocking. She says nothing. Answers nothing. When she is obviously backed in a corner she says she “doesn’t answer hypotheticals” and starts talking about an open border. Obviously South Dakota a land locked, non-border state is very concerned about this.

    The reporter did okay, but she should have pressed even harder to push back against all of the lies. But the whole questioning around the jurors and if she would have decided the same way (after already getting her to basically say the jurors decided correctly with the information they had) she even accidentally admitted the evidence was overwhelmingly lop sided because uh…of course it was.

    Anyway, that was brilliant from the host.