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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • This is actually a good take. Kids aren’t miniature adults, they’re kids. They’re not helpless or useless, but neither are they fully morally and emotionally developed. They need guidance. Plenty of adults can’t responsibly handle internet access. I survived early onilne porn and gore and social media, but it’s not like any of it benefited me in a meaningful way.

    Some folks have an attitude that’s like “I touched hot stoves and I learned better”, but that’s far from ideal.

  • Gab is for the fringiest of the right wing. And people often cluster disparate ideas together if they’re all considered to be markers of membership within their “tribe”.

    Leftists, or at least those on the left wing of liberalism, tend to do this as well, particularly on social and cultural issues.

    I think part of it is also a matter of not so much what people believe as what they will tolerate. The vaccine skeptic isn’t going to tolerate an AI bot that tells him vaccines work, but maybe generally oblivious to the Holocaust and thus really not notice or care if and when an AI bot misleads on it. Meanwhile a Holocaust denier might be indifferent about vaccines, but his Holocaust denialism serves as a key pillar of an overall bigoted worldview that he is unwilling to have challenged by an AI bot.

  • Yeah, give kids easy to use pocket computers to access social media curated by algorithms designed to increase anxiety/engagement and “games” that are single-player gambling simulations, all of which harvests their data just to better learn how to manipulate them, and wonder why kids feel anxious, isolated, or depressed.

    This hurts the over-25s too, just to lesser degrees because their brains are fully developed.