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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • It was a UPS I bought on Amazon.

    It arrived damaged in the box, almost certainly because the driver dropped it.

    My experience with Amazon customer service was umm… fun.

    1. click the request return button.

    This item is not returnable.

    1. call customer service

    Them: “This item is not returnable”

    Me “it arrived damaged”

    Them: “We’ll send you an email, reply to it with evidence of damage”

    1. reply to email sending pictures with close up of the damage

    Please send the email from the same address associated with the Amazon account

    1. resend reply from my other email

    The pictures you sent are in the wrong format please resend as jpeg or pdf

    1. convert the images and resend

    The pictures you sent do not show the entire product

    1. take new pictures from farther away

    Please send pictures that clearly show the damage


  • Such an incredibly misleading article.

    1 GW of nuclear capacity generates several times more electricity than 1 GW of PV capacity.

    Nuclear power plants run at almost full capacity pretty much 24/7/365. With the occasional shutdown every few years for maintenance and to replace the fuel rods.

    PVs only generate electricity during the day, and only hit their maximum capacity under ideal conditions. The average output of PVs is 15-25% of their capacity.

    Globally we generate more electricity from nuclear than we do from all PVs together.

    At the typical sizes we’re building them you need dozens of PV farms to match the energy output of a single nuclear reactor.

  • Yea basically. Creative accounting abuses of RECs are rampant. There’s no tangible product or service delivered when you buy a REC so there’s nothing stopping a bad actor from selling the same “REC” to more than one buyer.

    But more importantly, RECs don’t work to reduce GHG emissions even if they’re purchased and sold in good faith. RECs don’t change anything, that’s the problem. They don’t reduce electricity usage, or change the grid mix. All RECs do is give a company the ability to claim that it was magically someone else’s electricity that resulted in fossil fuels being burned and not their’s. Companies that buy RECs are paying to shift the blame onto companies that didn’t.

    Back when solar and wind was more expensive than fossil fuels it may have made sense to offer companies the option of paying extra to get “green” power that otherwise wouldn’t have made financial sense. But now that wind and solar are cheaper than coal and nat gas, utility providers will buy all available green power regardless of RECs.

    The bottleneck to building more renewable power isn’t money. Companies paying for RECs aren’t making that happen any faster, they’re just Greenwashing their ESG reporting.

  • We call it the “Mens” category, but for all intents and purposes it is the same as an “open to all genders” category.

    Female athletes don’t compete in it because they’re physically not strong enough to even qualify to compete in it at the world level. The gender they identify as or were assigned at birth is irrelevant. There’s no genetic testing requirement to compete at the men’s level.

    In almost every sport, the world record performance from a women isn’t even good enough to meet the minimum bar for quality to compete in the men’s competitions at the world level.

    Even sports like diving where you’re judged more than measured, the male athletes strength makes it possible for them to do things the female athletes simply can’t.

    There was a time when they only was open to all competition, adding a protected women’s only category was to make it fair for women. And then we started calling the open category the men’s category.

    We could call it the open category and the low-T category instead, and it would have the exact same participants in each.

  • “Green Hydrogen” is made by using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. There’re no carbon emissions in that process, but to be truly “green” the electricity must come from a carbon free source like wind, solar, nuclear, or hydroelectric.

    The process of electricity to hydrogen to compressed hydrogen to fuel cell to electricity is about half as energy efficient as electricity to li ion battery to electricity. As a form of electricity storage green hydrogen is significantly less efficient than batteries.

    Green hydrogen only makes sense as a fuel in situations where batteries are not feasible.

    And right now making green hydrogen at all does not make sense because if you build a new low carbon source of electricity it will make a larger impact if you use it to displace fossil fuel based electricity generation rather than using it to create green hydrogen.

  • Hold a gun to someone’s head and they’ll do pretty much anything you say because they believe their life depends on it.

    Morman’s preach that your eternal life depends on being part of their group. So for a transgender person who’s been brainwashed by the church, it’s like having a gun to your head. They don’t want to be in a group that hates them, but they’re afraid “god” will kill them of they leave the group.

    They live in terror of being excommunicated (kicked out of the church) because they’ve been convinced that is equivalent to death. The amount of power that gives church leaders over the lives of the followers is staggering, and of course ridiculously abused.

  • dgmib@lemmy.worldtoCanada@lemmy.caI mean, he's not wrong.
    2 months ago

    What blows my mind 🤯

    The landlords game has two different sets of rules you could play with. One set of rules was basically the same as the Monopoly we know today. When the game ends when one player acquires ownership of everything and bankrupts everyone else.

    The other set of rules, called “prosperity”, involved a tax that redistributed wealth. The game ends when all players have doubled their original stake and everyone wins.

    The game was intended to show how unbridled capitalism ultimately leads to a few billionaires owning everything and everyone else being poor/bankrupt. (Sound familiar?)

    And compared it to the prosperity rules which were based on Georgism, a kind of socialism/capitalism hybrid that both rewards people for the value they produce while also creating surplus public revenue that can be used to create social safety nets.

  • It’s not like the country was massively relying on nuclear energy at any point in time really.

    Germany’s 17 nuclear reactors were generating almost 30% of its electricity a decade ago before they started phasing them out. It was their second largest source of electricity after coal.

    Despite having built literally 100s of solar and wind farms in the past decade they still had to increase their coal output by 40 TWh to make up for the gap. A nuclear reactor generates a fuck ton of electricity.

    And for what? Statically speaking 800x more people are killed in coal mining accidents per TWh generated than are killed by all nuclear power accidents combined. They phased out their largest source of carbonless electricity and the decision likely killed more people than would have died even if there was a nuclear accident.