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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • The notion of “summer reddit” went hand in hand with the “moms basement” sayings, and even “touch grass” in a way:

    Namely all of them are from millennials that are still thinking the person on the other end of the comment is sitting in front of a computer. It ignores the simple fact we all have the internet in our pockets and can be chronically online and actually out in the world doing things at the same time.

  • It could be, but combine the color looking very much like Apple’s space grey, the slimness of it, particularly how slim the lid is versus the body, and what looks like the MacBook’s classic black, rounded rubber stoppers on the bottom, I think it’s safe to say that’s meant to be an MacBook.

    Also certain MacBook models tried to go to a single USB C port about a decade ago, and it was on the corner like that.

  • For example, imagine a post where three users comment:

    One posts a heated stream of idiocy, falsehoods, and outright nastiness, thinly veiled bigotry and other garbage. Paragraphs of it, all poorly written.

    Another is some basic comment not saying anything of any real consequence. Completely mundane to the point no one has upvoted it, but it is perfectly harmless.

    The final is a comment with some meat on it and something to add to the conversation, but unfortunately they arrived too late to the thread. No one saw it, so no one upvoted it.

    Without downvotes, all three of these comments are treated exactly the same.

    I get downvotes can suck sometimes but they’re a valuable aspect to this system and removing them does not make the place better.

    I’d argue what people need to do if these things are genuinely bothering them is turn off the scores entirely and learn to live without them. It’s better for your mental health.

  • Will provide singular answers, with no sources, that no one else can see and therefore no one else can fact check, correct, or improve upon.

    Then, instead of being posted publicly for others to find and searches to index, those answers will disappear into the ether, so that no other users get that answer unless they too do an AI search from the same provider.

    And all of this at the expense of every website and content creator who no longer even gets seen in a search engine, let alone page views. At the expense of every writer whose words will never be seen, only thrown in a pile of words and remixed, then vomited back out. And at the expense not the environment that will suffer to power all of this wasteful, needless garbage.

    This is going to be a disaster for the internet as a whole, and it’s really sad how many people can’t understand this. Tech bros continue to fundamentally misunderstand what makes the internet valuable isn’t code, it isn’t “data”, it’s humans.

  • doctortran@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldInto the Memeverse
    21 days ago


    Can’t even escape srgrafo’s pandering, lazy garbage on Lemmy.

    This has the same energy as early YouTube where channels would “crossover”, i.e. YouTuber stands in the doorway of their room talking to no one on camera, and another YouTuber talks to no one off camera, then edits them together.

  • doctortran@lemm.eetoReddit@lemmy.worldnew.reddit has been removed
    21 days ago

    I’d take that bet.

    I would love to believe the situation is as you believe it is, but I just don’t see it.

    As others have said, the usage on old reddit appears to be exceedingly low, around 1-2% if developers are seeing it accurately.

    We know that the vast majority of all usage nowadays is mobile, or at least hybrid. And at least half of those mobile users are on iphones, where they have no choice. The only thing that keeps old.reddit working on my phone is Firefox extensions.

    The unfortunate truth is the reason reddit and so many other platforms get away with rampant enshitification is that the overwhelming majority of users are either incapable or unwilling to find ways around it. They just accept it and become increasingly angry and frustrated with the platform, but refusing to do anything else except continue to use it.

    Developers see these numbers and they plan for it. They getting extremely condescending about it, too. Why listen to the “vocal minority” of technically inclined power users when you can pay attention to the majority of silent people who accept literally anything.

    Gone are the days where the majority of your users are going to be tech savvy. Once upon a time, when your user base was made up of informed, technical users on desktops, what you did with your software or your site would directly have an effect on your numbers because those users knew how and were willing to try other things.

    Nowadays, because of phones are in everyone’s pocket, your user base is everyone, and unfortunately for all of us, that everyone includes the majority of people who will drink a shit sundae over and over again before will even consider going to different restaurant.

    It’s not an actually a captive customer base, but it effectively is. They’re just held captive by their own tech illiteracy and lack of patience. What those people do determines the future of the industry now.