• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • That is the percentage of homes owned by the people living in them, not the percentage of Americans who own homes.

    Over a third (35%) of single family homes are owned by landlords, not by the people living in them. When a third of your single family homes are not owned by single families, then there is an issue.

    The 26% number another person used might be percentage of US adults who own a home, but I can’t find that number anywhere. The difference is most single family homes have 2 adults (or more) but is only “owned” by one of them. Or that is a statistic that uses multi-family housing where most of the families are renters.

  • So many issues with attacking the governor this way.

    1. This is the data for 1 year in his 4 year term. What did it look like the other years? Well, we can see that for 2022-23 the rate of decrease slowed down, from 0.8% to 0.3%. This makes sense because rent-vs-buy ratios have changed wildly in big cities in the last couple years.

    2. This is a similar rate of decline for other high cost of living states (CA, NY, HI) without having the benefit of CA and HI weather and beauty.

    3. It’s the same rate of decline per capita as Louisiana (Republican governor) and West Virginia (Republican governor).

    4. It leaves out who is leaving and why. Is it MAGAs upset that they can’t be racist asshats as freely? Is it low income people who can’t afford to live there due to the high taxes? Is it because his leadership drove jobs out of state? Is it because the state protected abortion rights, and religious people wanted to move to FL instead?