I remember, I was readind well when I was around 4, so I didnt have any inteligence deficit. I can’t say anything about the test, because I don’t remember it. I wrote some more info I know in another answer.
I remember, I was readind well when I was around 4, so I didnt have any inteligence deficit. I can’t say anything about the test, because I don’t remember it. I wrote some more info I know in another answer.
I think I have a good IQ score (I was just tested incorectly), but I’m mostly scared, because I don’t know what logic deficit even is.
I don’t think I can still do the test, because it is a primary school special ed identification test, but I could go to a professional iq test, which I think tests for the same thing.
Yes, but you have to complete a health inspection to get a job. I also don’t fully understand logic deficits, I just suspected it to be inteligence. My mother told me, i didn’t want ro answer questions at the psychological examination and nobody cared enough to force or manipulate me to answer questions.
I’m not ableist to myself (at least I think so), but I always thought of myself as inteligent/good in logical subjects, so now I don’t know what to belive.
Where could I even find a doctor to identify it? If I go to the doctor and they diagnose me, I wouldn’t be able to get a job, any state provided license and a lot more. Then there is a school psychologist, that would tell professors and my academic sucess would probably fall.
I don’t care about other’s perception of my inteligence. I’m just worried for my intelectual ability.
Well, I would be happy if I got a disconfirmation of the logic deficit. I think this is how intelectual disability was called back then (the name changes a lot), so it just means inteligence.
Edit: Forgot to mention, I don’t remember how I was tested, so I can’t really say anythig about it. I’m good at math without serious learning, so I belive my logic is good.
Most people don’t call me stupid. My father found my apparent logic defficiencies in some old medical documents. I usually write better, I just didn’t really try doing good.
My apparent logic deficits are mentioned in my old autism related medical documents.
He found it in old medical documents
Wow, I will look into it. I’m not worried about my actual intelligence. I’m worried about another metric, that will make me discriminated in medical and educational settings.