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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • flames5123@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonegenerulesity
    3 months ago

    Huh? There so so many protections with cards. All of my cards can very easily do a charge back and they’ll fight the charge with the retailer, not you. You only use a PIN for debit cards using a debit transaction because it’s a direct transfer, resulting in no card fees, very much the same as cash. No real credit cards have a PIN.

    Edit: ah, I see they weren’t talking about American credit cards. My mistake! Interesting to learn that other countries do though.

  • flames5123@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    And RCV (ranked choice voting) isn’t really that much better. It has potential to be better if everyone voted honestly, but voting is a game.

    STAR (score then automatic runoff) is the best we can feasibly achieve. It’s easy to teach and our current voting systems can account for this with little to no update (unlike RCV). Please look into star and push for this locally, then we can get this on a state by state basis.


  • How will verification be done? Are they making the websites foot the bill for verification, which pornhub is super against, or are they going to make a centralized device verification, like how Louisiana did, allowing its residents to access pornhub again?

    How is the 25% decided? Public content or private, like a Dropbox system? 25% by file size, length (how are pictures counted here), or just per item (would a gallery or picture be the item here)?

    These legislatures know NOTHING about technology and how it all works and are just doing this for censorship and LGBTQ+ discrimination.

  • Combat doesn’t really get good until level 80. It’s such a slow burn. But the reason you need to do the 24 man raids is because it’s super important for the later story. It’s the only time they make you do an alliance raid. They don’t make you do any thing except dungeons and trials afterwards, which 99% can be done with their AI.

    Luckily, the raids have a lot of people all the time and they’re so easy with maxed out level 50 stats.

  • The fun thing about FFXIV is that it’s free to play up to level 70. You’re only gonna be missing the last 2 expansions and then the one this summer. So you get 1/2 at no actual cost to you.

    You only put in as much time as you want to get out too. There’s no real downside to taking longer beside things not being “relevant” anymore.

  • Sure! It’s also called approval voting. But the key is it’s called STAR: score then automatic runoff. You rank any of the candidates from 0 to 5. If you don’t rank them, it’s a 0. Then you total all the scores and the highest score wins.

    More info here: https://www.starvoting.org

    The cool thing about STAR is that I can rank some people a 1 saying “they’re better than nothing!” While voting for my favorites with 5’s. The highest score wins, so the most approved by most people wins.

  • Woah. Why all the aggression?

    I charge every 2-3 hours for 15-25 mins. So a 6.5 hour trip will take about 7.5-8 hours. For my latest cross country trip, it took 48 hours with charging from Seattle to Jackson Mississippi. Google says it’s a 38 hour drive. So it added about 25% but he drive was so much more enjoyable. We got food at all of our stops so it didn’t add that much time when you factor in stopping for food, gas, water, dog, etc. Sure it adds a little time, but it helps me stay awake.

    Charging infrastructure is only going to get better and faster. Imagine a 500mile battery that charges to 80 in 15 mins. You’ll only stop every 4-5 hours for 15 mins. About the same as a gas car now.

    Also, that’s why I said I can’t wait to have charging infrastructure with other automakers.

    I didn’t say everyone should get an EV either. I’d much rather have better mass public transit. I’m just saying the infrastructure is there for EV charging.

  • I have over 110k miles on my EV in 5 years, and that’s including COVID lockdown and then moving to the city where I drive even less. The charging infrastructure is there for Tesla. I was able to drive across the country (Washington to Mississippi/Alabama) three times so far, down in rural Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, in the snow, through the Rocky mountains, through the cascades for hikes, etc.

    It’s a no brainer. I’m never going back to anything with a combustion engine. If Tesla can do charging infrastructure that makes 99.9% of the US easily accessible, so can Ford or any other big EV manufacturer.