• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月3日


  • Jackiechan@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldApple AI vs. Microsoft AI
    18 天前

    Unsure, but I think it’s because one of apple’s main talking points in recent years has been privacy (think the Apple logo with the lock). Whether it’s true or not, Apple has built trust with its users (misplaced or otherwise), whereas MS has lost a lot of that trust (especially with the recent Recall fiasco).

    I think both companies are storing and using user data and telling you they aren’t, but I think it’s like what you said. People for whatever reason trust Apple more

  • Really loved your analogy of a parent child relationship. And parents sometimes have to say no because they know in the long run it’ll be better for the kid.

    Very sad to me to see all the people in this comment thread so confident that God doesn’t exist simply because he doesn’t answer every single person’s prayer with yes. Did we create the entire world from nothing? Did we create ourselves? Do we control the weather or keep the earth in its orbit? God is so much bigger than any of us can even imagine, and so much stronger and wiser too.

    I’ve seen God work throughout my life by answering prayers, and yes this means he has said no, but he’s also said yes many times. Gone through and going through very hard things, but God uses hard things to bring us closer to him.

    I guess in relation to the very negative comments about God, all we can do as believers is pray he’ll open their eyes one day. The love and comfort you feel from a relationship with him is unlike anything else.