looks like it is directed backwards onto the loading area
looks like it is directed backwards onto the loading area
what does marxism have to do with this couchnutter?
my dog would just run from one end of the flat to the other, occasionally throwing himself to the floor and rub along it for some meters to jump up again and run wild again… ;_;
yeah well, no idea where to get seeds xD the place i usually go to used to sell them too, but no longer… i wonder why 🤪
ah ja, danke, passiert wenn man wenig damit zutun hat. spaghettimonsterimhimmelseidank
und ja… die grund annahme sein gegenueber im internet sei maennlich… ich mein, oft genug passte es ja… alles gut
fuck me.
not telling where i get my shit but i dont get it free and instead it costs a whole fucking lot. main reason why im broke all the time actually…
well fuck me… i dont know how to treat plants good, the clubs cant grow until there exists some sort of training first… bullshit bureaucracy really, and also i dont have any friends who consume or grow…
“Is it possible to buy normal weed in 2024 or is there only shinzo-abe-pack-chernobyl-1000C-hot-knife-sohn-of-a-whore-nirvana-haze which leaves you with a permanent disability?”
you are welcome
and for the germanophones:
“ich verstehe nicht alles hier aber ‘shinzo abe pack chernobyl 1000’ schiesst wie eine schrotflinte ein loch durch die sprach barriere”
seit willkommen
edith: sorry, hab nix mit flinten zu tun und mach kaum schrott :P
i found the first mention of rome in that book and basically, speaking about societies that didnt write (like the celts and uh germanics) the authors cite another book by some jack goody saying something like (im translating a german book here citing an english author… oh well, good night. as we say in german:) regarding their gendernorms we have little more than observations from roman authors like tacitus, which often - partly due to ignorance and partly to make a political statement in rome - seemed to talk not about real people but ideal types. greek and roman authors who spoke about wars, wrote that women were allegedly present on battlefields, cheering on their men and caring for their wounded. In extreme cases, as plutarch wrote women too would wield axes or swords. but it is questionable as to how reliable these depictions are, or whether the authors wanted to point out how “barbaric” it was outside of the male dominated culture of the roman empire.
the authors of “the good book of human nature” then state “it is difficult to make a statement about how women fared in the script free europe.” it then blames a disinterested and long time male dominated archeological field. apparently archeologists kept finding rich burial sites from iron age women in middle europe, but the scientists didnt question their roles in day to day goings. graves of rich women were apparently as lavish as their male counter parts, but even worse than ignorance, some graves were attributed wrongly to men, like the “Fuerstin von Vix” discovered in 1953, they thought she must have been a man, since such riches were unimaginable to have belonged to a woman. died 490 bce and some analysis showed she was female… while typing i realize some problem… anyway. i think this could explain why i assumed the role of women was what i said… not much info and it was bad later, so why shouldnt it have been bad before there already?
i guess patriarchy was mostly monotheistic religion’s fault
edit: clarifying last line, and some grammar in the middle
i still cant take it for what you say it is.
there was/is this dude (perhaps a journalist) who coined a question to ask oneself as a reader… “who? says what? to whom? with what purpose? using what channel?”
something like that. and since being able to read/write wasnt as common as today, i can only read this as “to whoever wants to be a good citizen: beware” coming from a ruler, and pointedly not “how to be a happy human on earth <3”
but that is just me. and i only replied again because iheartneopets replied, but he basically says what you were saying… so i feel like you deserve my response more.
sorry if you were hoping lecturing me was over :P
the book concentrated a lot on the bible probably as that is the most likely thing a reader might know. me attacking aurelius like that might be ill advised, but seeing a man talking about which emotions are acceptable and which not, makes me itch
cant remember what this book said about pre constantine, as it was mostly concerned with how the patriarchy developed beginning about 8000years ago, so nonsurviving cultures arent that interesting, except to highlight that indeed we could have been equal all along, if not for the rise of monotheism and then christianity.
the book also highlights how the teachings of jesus were perverted by the church to suppress women from having a say in anything. not only that, it also changed how i see this no-nut bullshit. i used to see it as a silly practice some silly men would do. but now i see it as the continuation of demonizing sexuality. (granted, if you got a problem then you got a problem, but the solutionis to go seek help, not to maim a beautiful woman, thinking she’s a demon (as was pretty common in the past, thanks to christianity)) and how religion is basically just politics moved into the clouds, and how monotheism fueled tyrants…
it is funny how it was all basically already there, in stories and films, but seeing it all connected hits hard
i’d also rather be with my family than at work, but yeah…
and i think this is exactly what marcus meant by “the complaining”: suck it up, do your work. which is why i cant see this as “be mindful and chill” but only “shut up and be a man”/“boys dont cry”
it’s toxic.
i do mourn a certain type of cereal though… but that’s long gone
well, yes.
what this guy says is basically gaslighting emotional people.
also, he doesnt say “yo, if you have a bad day, just chill” he condones the angry and complaining. that is a call to discipline. from a roman emperor.
i dont understand how this could be seen as self help advice.
if you are angry, be. if you have things to complain on, do.
and if you see someone else being angry and or complaining, how about not labeling them anything? we are all angry from time to time. and complaining about unfairness is our first nature. not acting on your complaints wont get you anywhere, but you do stay productive. not acting on your anger will keep you a nice fellow, but do consider who you want to be a fellow with.
also, i didnt say sexism. because it isnt. it’s just denying certain emotions due to them being inconvenient in a “civilized” society. emotions caused by unfair, but “civilized” actions and norms.
i mean, i dont know exactly what he had in mind when writing that, but, like, there are only so many things that concern an emperors mind.
in the mean time i checked which emperor i was thinking of, and apparently i was thinking of about 150 years later, when christianity began to take root there. which apparently is attributed to constantine, but actually it was the guy before him who stopped persecuting christians.
perhaps rome at aurelius’ time was a wee bit more moderate, but i would not expect that to stay true farther away from the capital.
thank you for your time writing all this, it was very interesting.
perhaps i can interest you in the book that triggered my response in the first place? it tries to shine a light on what happened to drive men away from women, i.e. how the patriarchy came to be (probably) the english title is “the good book of human nature” … the mind boggles as to why the author shies away from just calling it “the truth about eva” which would be the direct translation from german, i can only assume it’s to not cause to big an upheaval among religious folks…
we used to be much more like bonobos actually… at least sexually.
and last time i checked we aren’t predators, wrong teeth.
anyways, i can see that there could have been fights. but killing other humans in wars became a thing only much much later, when game wouldnt be so readily available, the first large settlements formed and already made some people leave them to find better luck elsewhere.
the objectification necessary to enslave other humans came pretty much along with it. after all, a dead enemy is just a thing. so a living enemy could also be just a thing…
i wasnt trying to romanticize the era of hunter gatherers, but while rome might have been quite moderate at that time, practically everyone else were already patriachial to a point where most women would be second class citizens with little economic freedom, or economically free but sworn to celibacy, and their profits would return to their fathers
a man talking about how men should behave in a society that only had room for women as breeding stock and only if they secured your throne.
you sound like a pleasure to be around.
there are no walmarts in this country and also: sugar is the true enemy
this is some quality post