• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I have always felt that kids will get out of education what they put in/their interest in actually learning. I also think there is some benefits to learning how to manage technology de jure as it’s likely to come up when they’re out of high school too.

    I kind of disagree with some of the points about learning more just talking to an AI, both because I tend to get wrong answers or important missed context in my AI testing, but also because I think I needed to learn some stuff I wasn’t interested in personally.

    Today I don’t really have much opportunity to interact with classes beyond the great courses and linked in learning, and unfortunately much of the newer content is more like a YouTube curated Playlist than a traditional course. They are mostly superficial overviews more intended for entertainment than learning details.

    YouTube on the other hand is all over the map and you have to know what to search for.

    I think some value of the experiment is the part where it got the kids to review their notification settings to suppress things they weren’t interested in. Personally I think having phones in airplane mode / off during class is probably the best plan. Do the notifications during study hall, lunch, bus ride, and other free time.

  • It’s also the anti commodity stuff IP has been allowing. If Hershey makes crap chocolate, there is little stopping you from buying Lidnt say. But if Microsoft makes a bad OS, there’s a lot stopping you from using Linux or whatever.

    What’s worse is stuff like DRM and computers getting into equipment that otherwise you could use any of a bevy of products for. Think ink cartridges.

    Then there’s the secret formulas like for transmission fluid now where say Honda says in the manual you have to get Honda fluid for it to keep working. Idk if it’s actually true, but I l’m loathe to do the 8k USD experiment with my transmission.

    You’d think the government could mandate standards but we don’t have stuff like that.

  • Well it’s not like Windows hasn’t bricked some pcs with their driver updates. It does just happen sometimes. The argument I’m making is if I went to Burger King and every time I went I was disappointed in the food quality, price and speed of service I would eventually risk Wendys.

    Heck my family was GM but after years of breakdowns and getting stranded by 3 different GM cars and weird / bad performance in a 4th, we changed car manufacturers.

    Sometimes you ought to give up on the Devil you know if it’s costing you too much money and time.

    On an individual level, having a computer is better than not having one. Even if you need a different OS.

    On a societal level, we should want to limit both ewaste and insecure OSs. We could legislate MS and other vendors not to do what Microsoft is doing here. But we probably don’t want to legislate updates for 20 years or something. (maybe we do IDK). The more likely thing is kicking known EOL OSs off the internet, but then we’re back to ewaste.

  • What are the core problems I am skipping? That people like to bitch about Microsoft just like they bitch about gas prices but don’t take any steps to address the issue?

    Look we suck it up on Windows for very specific legacy software, but every year more and more LoB apps are web apps, either we write them that way or they’re cloud versions. These all work fine on Linux and Mac, you do not need Windows.

    We are even seeing companies like Autodesk provide some products on Mac, and there are competitors on Linux too.

    If you actually used Microsoft in the enterprise you would also be up to speed on how they are pushing against “over management” of the fleet, and you should just use update rings and intune and stop wasting time with SCCM / MCM / Whatever it’s called this year. This argument about managibility is Microsoft 2005, not Microsoft 2025. Linux has more management now than Microsofts modern management suite, by design. And if you’re using 3rd party to fix that on windows, you are not just fighting Microsoft but you can not then disregard 3rd party on Linux.

    The problem with this argument is not that I am saying you can do everything you can do with Windows on Linux, just like there’s a lot you can’t do on Windows you can on Linux. I am saying that it’s practically like Dodge vs Toyota trucks. There’s way more of an overlap than people like to admit.

    Maybe there is a specific app you all are thinking of that you need Windows for, but I don’t actually think the average person needs Windows anymore except inertia. And the needs are going down as more stuff is cloud available.

  • Have you used a modern version of Linux or Windows? You can basically use most Linuxes like Android with a guide app store, and there’s almost no way to break it. Windows also will still let you be admin and let you break it. Neither is particularly easy to break anymore.

    Peripherals certainly do not just work on Windows. More and more I fight with getting anything to work on a clean Windows OS install. First I have to go find a network driver and copy it via USB. Then hope Windows will find drivers from there, which often it doesn’t get good ones for say Nvidia. Printers often take me to the manufacturer website and hope. For things like mice or Wi-Fi adapters Linux just works, same hunt for less standard stuff.

    Maybe I just deal with a wider array of hardware but to say it plug and play on windows and not Linux is just not true.

    For someone who just uses Facebook…there is no learning Linux. I moved my mom from XP to XFCE and Firefox just copied right over. She has a lot less issues with Enterprise Linux than she did with XP and Facebook still just works like 8 years later.

  • I just think that contracts of adhesion (IIRC) should be illegal or unenforceable. Make me wet sign a document or go to a separate docusign at least, this click wrap is crap. Get me to affirmatively agree, not click OK till the install or setup completes. Otherwise I strongly disagree there’s actually a meeting of the minds. And if I can’t send back my suggested alterations for cross signatures, it’s not a valid contract either IMHO.

    That said, we’ve decided to continue to screw people over as we all know.

  • After the shit show that was polling with 2016, I seriously doubt any polls get much valid data now. Or that it holds long enough to change anything. The crazy way our system is set up, there’s like IDK, maybe 100,000 people who basically vote randomly each election that makes the difference. In 2024 I have to think if in March you’re still voting Trump, he could probably show up, rape your wife and daughter and you’d still think come November, better than Biden.

    On the Democratic side, I can’t actually think what policy position would make you think Trump would get you closer to your desired goals. I know the media doesn’t like to talk about it, but it’s not like Trump is any more with it. At least Biden is getting confused between 2 ongoing crisis that exist while Trump is randomly talking about magnets and water. You can’t convince me one is sharper than the other or in better health, or more likely to live out a 4 year term.

    It’s more about who’s actually showing up to vote, and in that case I think Biden has the uphill battle because for reasons that escape me, Trump gets people more excited.

  • Common industry trope - same with climate change EVs vs industrial processes. We keep asking 7.9 billion people to attack the 5% or less left of an issue that maybe they with full collective action could dent, while just pretending that nothing can be done by the IDK 100,000 people running the industrial processes responsible for like 70% of the problem.

    I swear, it’s the latte / avocado toast financial advice. Yes, if I drop $100-$200 a month habit it’ll make up for the $4,000 a month unsustainable living expenses.

  • If I thought he’d do it, John Stewart would be amazing. I think he might be the only potential chance, but he also (for some reason) isn’t interested in actually running. I’d be really surprised if people hadn’t approached him before and after 2016. And heck, Regan was a movie personality!

    And I’d think he’d turn the Trump playbook back on Trump. Could you imagine John Stewart debating Trump? That’s appointment TV right there, and Stewart would mop the floor with Trump in 2024. He destroyed Tucker back in 04 on Crossfire, and Tucker’s a way better orator and presents way smarter than Trump ever has.

    Stewart is a lock for any liberal millennial, we grew up with him during Bush. He’d get the 30-40 year olds excited again like Obama did in 08.

    Too bad he wouldn’t run - but also there’s just no way to insert him cause primaries have started.