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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Wow. The video of the Greek official, denying everything during the official interview (whilst seeing video of a migrant woman and her child, forced onto a boat by armed men, who were then left in a dinghy to float towards Turkey), then caught with a hot mic during the break, talking to a colleague, saying:

    “I haven’t told them much, right? It’s very clear, isn’t it. It’s not nuclear physics. I don’t know why they did it in broad daylight… It’s… obviously illegal. It’s an international crime.”

    This migrant crisis will only get worse.

  • The survivor made it clear to CP that Morris did not get her father’s blessing to return to ministry.

    “My father never ever gave his blessing on Robert returning to ministry! My father told him he’s lucky he didn’t kill him. I am mortified that he is telling the world my dad gave his blessing! Of course, we forgive because we are called to biblically forgive those who sin against us. But that does not mean he is supposed to go on without repercussions,” she said.

    Clemishire explained that she retained an attorney in 2005 to file a civil lawsuit but Morris’ attorney suggested she caused the abuse on herself because she was “flirtatious.” She said she asked for $50,000 to cover the cost of her counseling stemming from the abuse. She said they offered her $25,000 if she signed a non-disclosure agreement, but she refused.

    Just real piece of shit. This man was married with a small boy when he was invited to stay at the home of a family man who was helping him build the church. He raped their daughter while telling his wife and the nice family he was “counseling” her privately. May he rot in prison.

  • Americans increasingly blame their political rivals for their hardships and show compassion only toward those who share their beliefs.

    Ok, I get that you’re saying we need to unite but you can’t heal a wound without removing the necrotic, bacteria laden tissue first. One side is, literally, doing everything in their power to regulate less, pollute more, and scam people into voting against their best interests.

    One side reacted to Sandy Hook by saying “never again,” while the other side reacted to say “No, we’ll take more of that please.”

  • See, it’s this bullshit. This well-intentioned man, actively employed in a fashion that would train him, fucked up, and killed someone’s child. When it comes to the use of deadly force, there is no take-backs, no do-overs, no second chances. How many people handle guns perfectly? Now take that person with perfect gun knowledge and drop them in a situation where they don’t know everything, are only given a small glimpse of what could be a weapon, and BAM, you have a tragic loss of life because in reality, 99% of the time it’s just somebody being stupid, and not doing anything that should result in their death.

  • Boyle (PA) Democratic Pennsylvania Yea

    Caraveo Democratic Colorado Yea

    Cartwright Democratic Pennsylvania Yea

    Craig Democratic Minnesota Yea

    Cuellar Democratic Texas Yea

    Davis (NC) Democratic North Carolina Yea

    Frankel, Lois Democratic Florida Yea

    Gallego Democratic Arizona Yea

    Golden (ME) Democratic Maine Yea

    Goldman (NY) Democratic New York Yea

    Gonzalez, Vicente Democratic Texas Yea

    Gottheimer Democratic New Jersey Yea

    Horsford Democratic Nevada Yea

    Landsman Democratic Ohio Yea

    Lee (NV) Democratic Nevada Yea

    Levin Democratic California Yea

    Manning Democratic North Carolina Yea

    McBath Democratic Georgia Yea

    Meng Democratic New York Yea

    Moskowitz Democratic Florida Yea

    Nickel Democratic North Carolina Yea

    Norcross Democratic New Jersey Yea

    Pallone Democratic New Jersey Yea

    Panetta Democratic California Yea

    Pappas Democratic New Hampshire Yea

    Peltola Democratic Alaska Yea

    Perez Democratic Washington Yea

    Peters Democratic California Yea

    Phillips Democratic Minnesota Yea

    Ryan Democratic New York Yea

    Schneider Democratic Illinois Yea

    Schrier Democratic Washington Yea

    Scott, David Democratic Georgia Yea

    Slotkin Democratic Michigan Yea

    Soto Democratic Florida Yea

    Stanton Democratic Arizona Yea

    Suozzi Democratic New York Yea

    Thanedar Democratic Michigan Yea

    Torres (NY) Democratic New York Yea

    Vargas Democratic California Yea

    Veasey Democratic Texas Yea

    Wasserman Schultz Democratic Florida Yea

    of course it’s rounded out by that traitor wasserman schultz

  • Morton Thiokol

    you mean Allan McDonald?

    Interestingly enough:

    The focus of the commission’s investigation shifted to the booster rocket O-rings, and the concerns and efforts of McDonald and his engineers to stop the launch which were ignored by NASA officials. McDonald’s comments to the commission led to him temporarily losing his position with Morton Thiokol, being demoted.

    The presidential commission was alarmed at Morton Thiokol’s decision to punish McDonald and introduced a joint resolution that threatened to prevent Morton Thiokol from receiving further contracts from NASA. Given the commission’s threat, Morton Thiokol promoted McDonald to vice president and tasked him with improving the rocket joints that failed during Challenger’s launch.

    Perhaps the U.S. govt needs to step in again to right the ship at boeing. Well, I’m being coy, of course the U.S. gov’t has to step up and do something. Companies should never be some sacred cow that we’re afraid of upsetting.