Transfem | she/her | professional keyboard operator | old

All the cool kids hang out at Ten Forward

Nazi Punks Fuck Off!

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Rowling quote from the article:

    Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls.

    It’s difficult to accept that someone I used to respect could say such hateful things about people like me. I’m not gonna lie, it hurts to read. What the fuck, Joanne? Is that all I am to you… just a man “performing” my idea of femaleness? Well, fuck you, then. Should I wish for you to feel the same pain you’ve inflicted on others? To be honest, judging by your “performance” in the media the past several years, I don’t think you’re resilient enough to survive it.

  • I picked up Tekworld #1 eons ago, back when I was a young voracious comic book collector and would buy anything off the “New” shelf. I never bothered to read it…I figured it couldn’t be worse than TJ Hooker, but it appears I was terribly mistaken. I’m sorry I contributed to this shitty franchise, I thought it would be worth a fortune when I got old (it’s not).

    Also, wrt:

    I’m not sure how thankful I should be that someone made William Shatner’s TekWar more accessible to me, but at least I didn’t struggle with PGUP and PGDN to move my virtual neck.

    Yeah, thank your lucky stars that gaming with a mouse became a fuckin thing, because hitting PGUP and PGDN to pan up & down sucked back then too.

  • Zip drives were a must have for graphic design students in its heyday. They were relatively affordable (around $150 USD for the drive, $10 per disk iirc) and had a capacity of 100 Megabytes per disk, which was sorta shitty for removable storage even then but good enough for design project assets. There was little else commercially available at the time that was affordable and allowed you to easily port files between home/work/school, so they were everywhere in certain circles in the late 90s, particularly in design.

    They were flimsy and unfortunately kinda unreliable, though, so if you heard the dreaded “click of death,” it meant your disk was hosed. They eventually started selling 250 MB drives, and I remember there was the “Jaz” drive whose disks could hold 1 GB, but by then I think people were just done with Iomega’s shit. I didn’t know anyone that owned a frickin Jaz drive. When USB thumb drives became a thing around the turn of the millennium, Zip drives pretty much disappeared overnight. Good fuckin riddance, they sucked.

  • Tankies are not really leftists. They are conservatives who call themselves leftists. They are engaging in modern propaganda.

    I wish more people realized this. They are bad faith actors who exist solely to disrupt and recruit. What I find particularly reprehensible about the Hexbear playbook is they appeal to the most disenfranchised part of the LGBTQ+ community and take advantage of their rage by giving them a target…not coincidentally, the same way the public face of the right wing panders to rural white men. Hexbear is queer-friendly and does offer a safe space, but they don’t actually discuss, much fight for the rights of the queer community in any way. They give them anti-west talking points, wind them up, and send them out into the world, but they don’t actually give a shit about their recruits’ queer existence; they’re just a tool to be used. It just sucks to see, for a number of reasons.