• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • You seem to be missing my point, it is very clear what Valve thinks about this. It’s literally the article above? And I get their point, but I’m arguing they don’t have a legal leg to stand on.

    In the EU there is legal precedent to give access to every account of a deceased person to their next of kin. T&C doesn’t mean shit when it goes against consumer protection or civil laws.

    When the T&C say you have to give your kidney to Gabe Newell it won’t hold up in court.

  • I’m sorry but you’re wrong, DRM is about the management of legal access to digital content (literally Digital Rights Management). Essentially a way to check if you have paid for the content you’re about to consume, and because protecting the copyrights to digital works is inherently almost impossible, it also tries to prevent unauthorised copies.

    Blurays have DRM, they can only be used by a reader with a correct certification, which only gets that if they have implemented HDCP among other specs. I own my blurays and will happily pass them on to the next generation.

    But sure, give it your own meaning so you can witchhunt lmao

  • A service cannot define stipulations that go against civil law common law, even with when agreeing to “T&C”. When you buy something in a store and then later they go “nono you didn’t actually buy it”, that is selling under false pretense.

    I don’t believe it was.

    What are you talking about ofcourse it was, and GOG launched 5-6 years later then Steam. When Steam was launched it was marketed as your library of games made as convenient as possible. You lock yourself into our platform and we’ll provide you with many tools like cloudsaves, chat system and online services like Xfire all-in-one, and even when you lose your CD’s, the game is tied to your account, not a physical CD.

  • Yep. I kept baconreader installed with an API patch so when I click on a reddit link I didn’t have to interact with their horrible interface, earlier this week I clicked one and the app still worked, now it doesn’t. When I was switching being able to continue using my app was a godsend, now I won’t even bother with changing my User-Agent lmao.

  • kernelle@lemmy.worldtoADHD@lemmy.worldLife is pain
    1 month ago

    Nah, the same reason why DJ’s can be good or bad. Guiding the vibe of the audience is what they do, playing with the tension and energy of the crowd. Pleasing a crowd is easier than one specific person though, but the same rules apply when picking songs for yourself.

  • Yeah I’m no physicist but that ticked me off, the speed of light is the same for any wavelength. As for redshift:

    a redshift is an increase in the wavelength, and corresponding decrease in the frequency and photon energy, of electromagnetic radiation (such as light).

    Speed of light isn’t a factor in this, also when galaxy’s move towards us (like the Andromeda galaxy) it is blueshifted, proving it’s not the light that matters, but rather the direction of movement of the source. Proving the doppler effect.