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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • menas

    If there were 49% of “to radical leftist” in France, we sure do not need election to proclaim socialism. Most of us are not enough politicized to criticized them as a political line. Still we couldn’t convince people by ignoring their feeling when their are legit, even if those feelings may leads to actions that seems against our common interests.

    If we claim equality, we shall listen before speaking.

  • The most “anti-fascist” parliament group (LFI) is the same that vote “yes” for spying instant messenger. I did vote; but I couldn’t blame people for feeling betrayed by parties. We are, and shall not expect otherwise unless we threat those the same people we send too parliament by direct actions. Organizing on our needs make people vote, but voting do not lead to class based organization

  • Macron has been elected has an opposition to the far right. After increase exiled deportation and people killed by the police, he decide to dissolute the assembly and literally build a straight way to the first far right french government since WWII

    So no, ballot boy is the smallest kind of power. It’s still is, but the was never a concrete left government without insurrection strike (popular front 1936) or armed unioniste (1946).

  • Pretty bad experience with matrix here. Many users have issues with decrypting messages or having some conversations unable to open. Sometimes we have to disable the encryption, and in some case it don’t work either. In all cases, we couldn’t find too old messages. Usually you have to balance between safety and archives; both are unreliable. Migrating a community to a specific protocol is not something you could repeat a lot.

    I don’t know if it’s related with the servers, or with the protocol itself. I suspect that things get ugly when your conversations are too big, but it could be the latency between servers, or lack of ressources from server side. If so, you have consider to selfhost a matrix server, or to consider it as not federated, and use the server matrix.org like everyone (which seems to work fine).

    • Being paid to work for capitalism from monday to friday
    • Smash capitalist stuff on saturday

    The only ting it will change is how you feel. It’s actually give strength to feel that we could do some things. However if it’s the only things that you could do so, it may be addictive, and make the repression even harder. I recommend to join collective self-defense to make it sustainable (like unions, but not only).

    Wish you the stregth fellow workers