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Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • I don’t how to feel about this. It feels like half inspiration, half indoctrination. “sure, everything sucks, but just pretend it doesn’t!! the cute woman will smile at u and u will leave the store together!!!”

    The message about empathy is important. I don’t think I could ever be “well-adjusted” to modern hell though, and I’m not convinced it’s really something to aspire to anyway.

    The video equates discontent with self centeredness and lack of empathy. But I’m not angry with the person driving in front of me, I’m angry with politicians and automakers who scarred our land with highways and parking lots, and prioritized cars over humans. I’m not angry with the people around me at the supermarket, I’m angry at the megacorporations that damage the planet and exploit people while filling up the shelves with a million “different” products that are all overpriced and somehow even smaller than they were last year.

    The video may be well meaning, but I think it misses the mark, and works to reinforce the status quo.

  • That sounds like the difference between weird and creepy. Why not just say creepy? I suppose ‘weird’ may be a more effective insult, but I don’t feel like it fits as well.

    Republicans are creepy. I’m weird. There’s very little overlap. I actually don’t even think Republicans are that weird, they’re just boring yet emboldened creeps.

    It’s not something I really thought about before reading this post, but I actually do think that ‘weird’ as an insult is kinda harmful, especially with how it overlaps with queerness and autism.

  • This is actually a really interesting question. A modern LLM probably couldn’t do it, but I wonder if something like Alphazero could?

    My guess is that no current AI is capable, as it requires abstract reasoning and precise movement. But maybe in the next 5 years.

  • I agree with some of what you’re saying, but can you explain (in simple terms please) how the hard problem doesn’t exist? I’m not quite following. The subjective experience of consciousness is directly observable, and definitely real, no?

    (I don’t think adding some metaphysical element does much of anything, and Penrose still doesn’t really explain it, just provides a potential mechanism for it in the brain. It’s still a real “thing”, unexplained by current physics though.)

    Also, to your other point, my I believe everything is just an evolving wave function. All waves all the time, and we only perceive a slice of it. (Which has something to do with consciousness, but nobody really knows exactly how). The Copenhagen interpretation is just how the many worlds universe appears to behave to a conscious observer.

  • I don’t think it’s incompatible with many worlds, unless I’m misunderstanding something. The many worlds interpretation means that the observer doesn’t collapse the wave function, but rather becomes entangled with it. It only apparently collapses because we only perceive a “slice” of the wave function. (For whatever reason).

    I think this is still compatible with Penrose’s ideas, just not in the way he presents it. Anyway, I think he’s not really explaining consciousness, but rather a piece of how it could be facilitated in the brain.