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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Yes. It is much in vogue. Especially in big corps. And Big corps have no idea what they doing. A year ago I had helped couple of managers to “go back to engineering”, because org had to many managers.

    The amount of people who can make code and manage is very limited. But it is very alluring from the perspective of human resource optimization for people to do both. You take decent engineer => You receive shitty miserable manager that can code something non essential. This is very sad.

    Big corps are like a pythons on ketanol. They have no idea what happening but they want to grow and shit profits everywhere.

  • Coding interviews are a decent way to screen out the false positives. Watching someone solve coding challenges gives you some assurance that they can, well, code.

    Hahahahaha. If only. There is very big distinction between ability to priduce code that solves the problem and solving the problem. My personal experiense showed me that passing the coding interview and being a good Software engineer is a two different skills.

  • in many cases for text docs I’d rather write them using markdown and maybe add some html styling then convert with pandoc

    Yep. Exactly the case. Using the multiple instruments instead of one “specially created for this reason” programm become normal. And it become normal because the program become unpredictable in changes. All the functionality is click away, but you need to know what to click.

    And as a chery on top Outlook by default uses ctrl+f to forward a message. Instead of starting search.

  • I wholeheartedly agree with that. Every version of Excel is massively worse than previous one. Same with the other Office products. Incremental fixes and impovements covered with unneded features and Ribbon design.

    The Ribbon interface intoduction is the most obnoxious design decision that was pushed to the keyboard and mouse users. It only helps “touch” or “pen” users and only marginally.

    Then OneDrive aka “we holding your data ransom” Drive. This is the only one Drive that is purelly sheit.