Thanks for the insight!
Thanks for the insight!
Yes, just checked)
Why did they replace bash with zsh?
In a bra, duh
Where do boo bees live?
I knew I was in the right place
We never asked for this
I remember seeing this on Reddit a while ago. Doesn’t make it less fun, of course. Just saying.
He’s just carrying a baguette
For me, I wanted to play it for a long time, finally had the time during the holiday break. I played the Shadow of the Colossus last year, so this year it’s ICO. Pretty happy with the PCSX2 emulator.
With ICO, I think it pays off to take it slow. I actually beat it three times now, I think. On my first play through I would often just pause and let the views sink in. It felt so magical for me.
Btw, there is a pretty cool speed run of the game by sanchopanda on GDQ
Agreed, nothing beats looking up a text code to jump to a section
Huh. I’d expect the evolution of consoles to speed up
Love games from that generation. Maybe it’s my age but that era feels really special
Are there any rumors it might go down? Looks alive and well.
Thanks, just finished SGDQ2023!
Veritasium is one of the oldest and consistently greatest science channels
Confucius confuses
Shoot up