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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • Maybe it helps with understanding when you think of examples of female rape that isn’t a stranger beating up a woman in a dark alley.

    Like Harvey Weinstein. Countless women have come forward about rape and sexual violence from him. I doubt he always used physical violence on these women. But he was this all powerful person in the filmindustry who could and would destroy lives and careers with a wave of his hand if you’d deny him.

    Very often rape and sexual violence comes out of a power dynamic where the victim (no matter the gender) feels they don’t have a choice. Physical violence does not have to be involved.

  • Are you sure this is not just your perception depending on fluency in a language? Your native will always feel more comprehensive than any second language.

    A while ago, my dad (native german, fluent english) said something similar to me, that he believes german has so many more words to describe and to give different meaning to the things we say. I do disagree with that too. Now I always have to think about this, when coming across something I have more means to express something in english or german. And there are many examples in both languages.

    Even if you are fluent in a second language, you probably always have more words and more nuance in your native language.

  • Professional and amateur sports events around the world have dealt with streakers running on the field forever without violence. Its not like they are wielding a hammer obvious out to attack someone. Or a taser if you will.

    Police should be trained to de-eskalate nonviolent situations without using violence and in other countries they are. I know, the US police force is not and that is a shame on them, but it doesn’t justify to shoot or electrocute someone in the back.

  • While gaming tokens do turn up in the collection plates of Las Vegas churches, those churches (Catholic or Protestant) don’t all send them out to a “nearby Franciscan monastery” for sorting and redemption by designated “chip monks.” Churches generally accumulate gaming tokens until they each individually tab one or more of their workers to take the chips around to casinos and redeem them for cash.

    It is true that one church in Las Vegas, the Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer, once had a Franciscan friar on staff who made the rounds of casino cages and thus, in the fashion of the joke, he was dubbed “the chip monk.” Church Employees tasked with handling chip redemptions at various Las Vegas-area churches are sometimes also referred to as “chip monks” in furtherance of the joke, but they are neither real monks nor are they employed by monasteries that sort and redeem the tokens.