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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I often go to nursing homes for medical calls, and asking for basic patient information is always a treat at the crappier ones.

    Pro-tip: when the medic asks you things like “What are we here for?”, “How long have they been having this issue?”, or “What’s their medical history?” you don’t actually have to answer. Just give a blank stare and say “I don’t know, I just started my shift” or “They’re not my patient”. All you have to do is give the ambulance crew the patient’s name and birthday, and even that’s optional.

    Is the patient dead and you don’t know when it happened? Say “I was talking to them a few minutes ago!” even if they’re cold to the touch. Bonus points if the pt has a DNR and you don’t give it to the medic.

    If all that is too much work, say “I’ll go check” and find somewhere to hide until they leave with the patient – this situation is their problem now.

  • I agree that there’s a lot of direct trolling online, but I wouldn’t discount the number of “useful idiots”.

    Remember Q-anon? The core of that entire “movement” was a handful of people on an obscure website steering discourse and pumping out conspiracy theories to a few hundred dedicated direct followers. That audience served as both a testbed for ideas and a free “localization service” – they’d take an unpolished core idea and through discourse transform it into something marketable for wider consumption. Said followers obscure the source of the messaging, amplify it, spread it to traditional social media / the real world, “fight” dissidents, etc.

    Those “useful idiots” are a fundamental part of an efficient, cost effective, and successful disinformation campaign.

  • oatscoop@midwest.social
    to196@lemmy.blahaj.zonestaring rule
    2 months ago

    I know this Is an old post, but in the early 2000s 70’s fashion came back in vogue – a 30 years difference. And 30 years ago from today is the 90s, so it makes sense.

    I think it’s a result of the 40 year old crowd. They’re a demographic with money and starting to get nostalgic for their childhood, so the market caters to that . Kids get exposed to it, a few trend setters decide it’s cool/vintage, and it takes off from there.