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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


    1. OP mentioned this also happened outside in the parking lot and was implying active blocking.

    2. There’s ways for stores to work with telecoms to get service broadcast inside the warehouse/building as well to get around the natural passive blocking from the building materials.

    I was well aware of the difference between active and passive blocking.

  • odelik@lemmy.todaytoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldFrack you, Walmart
    1 month ago

    This is more likely a coverage issue than Walmart illegally blocking wireless signals (per to FCC regulations).

    Report the coverage issue to Verizon and your local Walmart. Both of which will want to increase coverage of where people are gathering. This is because if bad coverage areas are in places where people gather this will cause affected people to switch services or stop going to those gathering areas if there’s alternatives.

  • Just so anybody less technically saavy sees this (I know, I know, this is lemmy), this won’t break shit.

    If this worked, CSV would have been dumped ages ago. The standard supports column value commas when the delimieter is set to a comma by… You won’t believe this… Putting the column value inside of double quotes. And any modern scripting/programming language can handle this with builtin libraries, including Bash.

    And honestly, I’ve always wondered why it’s called CSV when the standard is actually Delimieter Seaparted Values.

  • I vividly remeber the lead up to Jan 6.

    I remeber the language being used by these idiots online. Coded language telling us what was going to happen.

    I remeber people exposing “private” conversation histories private forums, discord’s, etc where these groups were planning Jan 6 to the internet masses and telling progressives, liberals, and other left leaning people to stay away from the Jan 6 proceedings and not to show up to counter-protest. We knew from those exposed convos they planned on using any counter-protester presence as a patsy.

    And of course, I vividly remeber Jan 6 and watching 3 different news streams the same time and and scouring the internet for any live streams from idiots broadcasting their shit on social media. I remeber hey gleeful those fuckers were, how they espoused that “revolution!”, “Hang Mike Pence.”

    I also watched the Jan 6 Senate Comitte Hearings and have read through the highlights of the Final Report.

    The FBI didn’t entrap shit. You fuckers planned this in broad daylight. I’m gonna Look Up when you tell me not to, because I see you for the liars you are.