What does this even do?
I mean, I know this is supposed to define what open source means or something, but would people follow this?
What does this even do?
I mean, I know this is supposed to define what open source means or something, but would people follow this?
Debian versions are based on Toy Story characters.
Real artist accepts the risk of getting shamed for their art.
Isn’t this kinda implied?
Thanks a bunch for the link! That was fun to watch!
A bit of topic, but with the DIY getting more and more in style, I was wondering if casting your own pan is a thing.
Goddamn they’re gorgeous
Fuck. This. Shit.
Been in an interview where the CTO asked me a bunch of questions and seemed interested, only to ghost me in the end. No reply even to my follow-up. Thankfully I found a better job.
Whatever you’re smoking, I want it.
Where is it? 2024 is almost over.
And most importantly: How would they enforce that? Kids have been lying about their ages since the dawn of internet.
She’s gonna come out! You better run!
Rayman is already perfect as is.
I think Ubisoft should just focus on ruining Assassin’s Creed as they do now.
Me and my sprouse be like…
It is also a well-played soft-selling.
The CP/M gang, of course!
They’re fluorescent tubes, yes. I wasn’t specific about what kind of lightbulbs.
They use to have weaving grannies for the magnetic core memory production.
Probably not worth watching anyways.