• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月21日


  • And it won’t ever be true until you can pick up a PC running Linux in a big box store. I could see the Steam Deck (and Valve’s rumoured upcoming console) to make a dent in the PC gaming space, but it won’t make a difference to the purchasing decisions of your your aunt who uses her pc to check her emails.

    Should corporate buyers ever get tired of MS’ shenanigans they might switch over to Ubuntu, but I’m not holding my breath for that.

  • To be clear, I called that dude a conservative because of his username combined with his comment.

    Leaving that aside, our patriarchal capitalist society (yeah yeah, buzzwords, I know) is very good as misdirecting frustration to mask the underlying dynamics; a lot of people, both men and women, are increasingly lonely because of societal problems. Decreased social cohesion because of different urban planning and the focus on the nuclear family for example, both of which are directly tied to capitalist ideology.

    If you then get frustrated and blame that on feminism, that’s textbook conservative thought. A lot of people are misled into thinking these things (because misdirection of frustration is crucial to capitalism), even people who mostly aren’t conservative themselves. That’s just a product of the ubiquity of conservative thought.

    Either way, I hope you can help your friend to escape that way of thinking. It’d be better for everyone.

  • Also, what a lot of people seem to be missing is that this only works because of rampant hypocrisy among traditional parties. They promise time and again to make life better, to make work pay, to do this and that but they always fail because they’re neoliberals - whether they are lying or just fundamentally wrong doesn’t really matter.

    This then allows far right wingers to swoop in and use a lot of the same underlying logic the traditional parties use, but without the hypocrisy. They just need to swap the hypocrisy out for hate towards minority groups.

    This is a lot easier than the alternative left wing parties offer, which is fundamentally not aligned with the traditional parties in the West.

  • Having seen it around, I absolutely hate this screenshot. The implicit message is that 4chan was/is actually good and cool, while that hasn’t been the case for a while (if it ever was). Like yeah, it’s somewhat stupid that she thought 4chan has accounts, but the point that the site is utter trash is true.

    /mu/ used to be good tho