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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Is the recent XZ backdoor (and something that had to do with SSH too) anything to worry about in terms of the probability of there being a backdoor even in open source router software?

    Not trying to dissuade anyone here, I love open source software, I’m just wondering how much effort is reasonable to be put into securing your local network (i.e. buying your own router, also installing open source software, or writing your own router software if you don’t trust existing solutions) given that not everyone is tech savvy and you get diminishing returns for every additional security measure. And when is the usual point at which you would say “okay, this is secure enough”?

    My router is not from an ISP, but it does get frequent firmware updates and I don’t use any cloud management features, only local configuration.

  • I couldn’t find any reasonable statistics or survey data talking about whether people prefer cars or other modes of transport and why, but the general theme amongst Gen Z in particular is ecological awareness and sustainability, so it wouldn’t make sense for a lot of those people to drive cars just because they prefer the car itself, other than being able to get around places quickly or feeling safe on the street etc.

  • Classic arts teacher stuff.

    Our teacher never taught us shit, usually just went like “okay today you draw this” and then went on to do random things and paintings herself. When we drew like shit, she’d say “a 5 year old can do better” gee thanks, that’s helpful. I went to an expensive private school, by the way.

    Apparently she never had a teaching degree or whatever it’s called in English (a thing you study for so you are qualified to be a teacher), so I guess she never was supposed to be around kids, at least I’m glad she was not molesting us.

    I ran into her recently and learnt the other side of the coin - some time after I had already finished school, she got severely injured by something and was hospitalized and recovering for months, during that time the school fired her (illegal), she sued and won. She then went through two schools and ended up in another private school where she loves her job and everyone loves her there, they do amazing things together. She hated working at my school because they always made her do stupid arts shit for the school, designing posters and whatever and she had to be not just the teacher, but the designer for the entire school and was severely underappreciated.

    I’m not happy that the teacher did a bad job teaching us since others somehow managed even with extra work added onto them, but I’m also unhappy with how my prestigious school badly treated some extraordinary teachers, teachers I’ll remember for a lifetime. Maybe my arts teacher would’ve been nice too.