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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • Russ@bitforged.spacetoGaming@beehaw.orgthoughts on arpgs?
    8 days ago

    No problem! I’ve really enjoyed Runemaster so far since I’ve always been someone who favored magic based classes. With Runic Invocation there are so many different spell combinations that you can pull off (I can’t possibly memorize them all, I think there’s around 50 of them?) which is really fun!

    I need to try out Spellblade at some point, that’ll probably be my next class that I try out. Their new season (“Cycles”) launches at the beginning of next month (July 9th IIRC), so I haven’t decided if I’ll try to wait till then or if I’ll try to give it a go before then.

  • Exactly the same for me too haha, I’ve beat the ender dragon with friends before on shared worlds, but I’ve never beaten it in my own single player world.

    I generally have really short bursts of playing MC these days, and by the time I play again a new update has come out so I usually just completely reset to new world features and such. I know that they generate in unexplored chunks and that you can go prune chunks and whatnot, but rather than spend time doing that I’d rather just spend the time playing. Hell, these days I don’t even usually get to the stage of getting Netherite gear.

  • Russ@bitforged.spacetoGaming@beehaw.orgthoughts on arpgs?
    11 days ago

    I’ve really enjoyed the ARPGs that I’ve played (D3, a bit of Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, and hell as of the recent update even D4) but I find that I am terrible at build crafting - and the really bad brain fog that I’ve had for over a year now doesn’t help that at all.

    I find that I just constantly hit a wall that I can’t push past, and then run into the “Now what?” - every now and then I’ll play with some build guides online and tinker with them, but for me that isn’t as fun as coming up with something completely on my own.

    That all being said, LE has been my favorite as of recently - it’s definitely still a light on content (1.0 just released this year), but over time I think it’ll be very high up there on everyone’s list.

    I feel like I had a much easier time understanding the systems in LE than the other games (except for maybe D4 which was a bit too simple, though they’re starting to change it up a bit with the recent patches) but LE’s item and skill systems also clearly have a very high ceiling of what you can do with them.

    I guess for me, what I really liked about it is that even with all the brain fog I could still get into the systems and pick it up quickly, yet also still see where it can certainly get more and more complex as you push your builds higher and higher, even if I’m not completely at that point yet.

    I hope some of my ramblings made at least a little bit of sense 😅

  • I’ve had some really bad brain fog for most of the year, so while I’m generally not able to recall them on the spot, I certainly do see quite a few that makes me go “Oh hey I remember that one!”.

    I like that the Threadiverse is still kinda at the size that this still happens quite a bit.

    I’d be very surprised if I were recognized since I’ve been quite bad about contributing to the conversation, but I still enjoy things around here nonetheless!

  • Programming! It’s currently a hobby of mine (and has been for over 10 years) that I hope to make into a career of mine. I do some minor scripting and whatnot at work (and thankfully, I get paid at a much higher rate for the time that I’m doing that), but its not the “main” thing I do.

    I live in a world of many unanswered questions, full of illogical conclusions and actions. But with programming, it is all about logic - the computer does exactly what you tell it to do, and I find a ton of beauty in that logic and how that logic makes sense to me. It doesn’t always make sense at the first pass, but at the end of the day, its always something that I (or someone above me) told the computer to do incorrectly. There’s always an answer!

    Whereas the rest of my life, I hardly ever have the power to get my own answers, and others surely often don’t have an answer for me either.

  • I’m a little disappointed at myself, to be honest. I was supposed to have a hematologist appointment on Wednesday, but I rescheduled it for early next month. For the last few years, I’ve been fighting to get my chronic fatigued treated because its generating a whole tree of issues (its preventing me from progressing my life forward, I’m pretty sure its the cause of my depression, etc) - however no one has been able to figure it out because no one actually wants to take an in-depth look as to what it might be. They just run a simple CBC on my blood and say “Nope, looks all fine”.

    Well, to be quite frank, I’m just not ready to organize leaving the house on Wednesday (I don’t have a car, so I have to get transportation scheduled from my insurance company) and expend all that energy, just to then be disappointed when the hematologist is 99% likely to say “There’s nothing wrong that I can see”, then I have to organize a trip to actually get back home. It turns what is a 15 minute appointment into a whole 3-4 hour ordeal. They don’t offer telehealth appointments, sadly, or else I wouldn’t mind at least talking to the doctor.

    I only pushed it back a little bit till early next month, but I’m just not ready for the disappointment this week, it was causing me a ton of anxiety just even thinking about it over the weekend.

    I know that I shouldn’t be disappointed in myself because at the end of the day its my choice and that I shouldn’t feel ashamed for it, but that doesn’t change the fact that its how I feel regardless - so in reality, I traded anxiety for more grief and disappointment in myself rather than disappointment in the doctors.

  • This isn’t a problem of Lemmy itself in terms of the software, so I’m not sure it qualifies… But, I find that Lemmy still has the same problem of Reddit where if you say something that the majority of users disagree with, prepare to be torn apart in the comments. And I do not just mean by getting corrected on something you said being factually incorrect, I mean more of a “your opinion is wrong because…”

    For example, any discussion revolving around Linux (and let me just prepend this by saying I am a Linux user), if you happen to prefer using Windows be prepared to be told all of the reasons why you have to use Linux instead. And that’s usually tame compared to what I’ve seen on other subjects.

    Obviously there are cases where yeah, you absolutely deserve to be torn a new one in the extreme cases when someone is actually being truly vile, such as trying to advocate for the harm of someone/a group of people - but the “extremes” are not what I’m really referring to here.

    I’ve blocked a lot of users that while I’ve had no interaction with them, I see how they are clearly engaging in, let’s just say, bad faith with others.

    In terms of software-specific issues, I can’t say that I really have had a lot of problems with Lemmy itself as of recently. As an instance owner, I used to have a lot of weird (what seemingly appeared to be, at least) random federation issues, but I haven’t seen any federation problems in a while now. Though just today I swear I submitted a comment somewhere, and its just poof not there - not even locally, but I’m chalking that one up to something I’ve done (whether a misclick, or I’m just hallucinating as badly as an LLM) rather than an actual issue.

  • I haven’t had much sleep today so maybe its just me, but I’m a bit confused here:

    Valve isn’t obligated to continue supporting all its games and software features on Mac, especially when Apple’s reluctance to natively support Vulkan and other cross-platform technologies makes game development more complex.

    Then the next sentence:

    There’s no excuse for Steam on Mac to be a far worse experience than on other platforms, though.

    As others have mentioned, Apple was the one who chose to abandon x86 and go with ARM - and anyways are there any games that are on Steam that actually are ARM native? You would still end up having to launch a game that is x86 as far as I understand correctly (I haven’t used a Mac since the Apple Silicon transition)?