• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 4th, 2024


  • wow. Someone besides either author got all the way here in the thread to downvote the guy saying open source communities shouldn’t keep people around who make volunteers uncomfortable. Like, what exactly was lost here? A guys right to do free labor? Python is just about the worst language for any task you can imagine anyway, yet someone is going around spending their free time picking 3rd party fights about the community that manages it.

    question for the downvoters:

    Why do you care? Personally, I like having women and racial minorities in computer science. That’s why I care.

    But why would you defend Tim? Please note that I’m not saying you shouldn’t-- it’s just clear that this was never an argument in good faith.

  • My Lord. Type “Halliburton oil Ukraine” into Google maps and look at the god-damned oil field that’s owned by a US company. Or look at how the US has has record natural gas exports every year since 2014.

    Or look up how the US weapons weren’t given to Ukraine. They were sold and those loans must be paid back. Britain and Russia didn’t pay back their WW2 lend-lease debts until 2006.

    The US is making a killing on this conflict. Ukrainians are also dying for their nation, but two things can be true at the same time. Anyone who isn’t a moron can see that.

  • must be your client. the link works fine for me. If you see the timeline, locals mostly weren’t involved and lots of local anti fascists organized and fought back. This island was nominated for the Nobel prize when the crisis started, but there’s only so much people can take when the refugees kept coming, the island couldn’t support thousands of extra people, and refugees were forced to cut down centuries old olive trees for cooking fuel. Greece is not a wealthy country and they felt betrayed by places like Sweden and Germany that have robust economies and a much smaller proportion of the refugee crisis.

    Something had to give. Moria camp is essentially an open air prison without running water or showers. Most people who arrive are children, or were before they walked to Turkey from the Congo or Afghanistan or whatever and boarded boats for a chance at a better life.

    I heard stories from teenagers who had escaped slavery or been forced to work in fast fashion factories in Turkey without pay or had their passports stolen in Iran or picked up by a militia in the Syrian civil war and handed a weapon. And the EU just leaves them there. They get like €200 a month, if and when their legal case ever concludes, but that’s not enough to actually live and they’re not allowed to work. Not like Greece has extra work anyway.

    Maybe the countries that make a fortune by selling arms to conflict zones (France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Italy) should step up and take care of the crises they manufactured for profit. But nah, they just elect far right parties because brown people are scary.