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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024


  • Chimpanzees are likely going to be extinct 2-3 decades from now. Bonobos will be extinct in 4-6 decades. Orangutans will go extinct within 10 to 20 years. Most animals closely related to humans (including most apes & monkeys) are projected to become extinct within a few decades. I do not want to be alive when gorillas go extinct

    This is mostly due to the meat trade (apes and monkeys are often killed for meat which is eaten by locals or traded), being affected by the wars in the Congo/Africa, being kidnapped & sold as exotic pets, and habitat loss from human resource harvesting/logging & development. Humans are effectively displacing, enslaving, slaughtering, and cannibalizing their distant cousins

  • sparkle@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneTechnorule
    11 days ago

    I remember watching Techno every week for like 7 or 8 years straight. I was pretty sad when he died, I remember being at work seeing the notification “so long nerds” with a black screen and i was immediately like oh it’s so over, but it took a minute of watching for it to really sink in that he was for real gone.

  • Chomsky’s work undeniably transformed (cognitive) linguistics, but a large portion of Chomskyan linguistics is heavily debated/controversial.

    His universal grammar, although debated, at least contributed a lot to Sapir-Whorf linguistics generally being recognized as wrong, which is nice. Unfortunately, a lot of laymen and even a tiny minority of linguists still believe linguistic determinism because it’s more interesting than reality. But that goes with all fringe, usually nationalism-driven, beliefs; like “Hungarian isn’t Finno-Urgic, it’s Turkic/isolate!” or “Tamil is oldest language and all other languages came from it!” or other crazy shit. Or Altaic, but that one isn’t crazy depending on which variation of it you pick, even if it’s likely wrong or unprovable.

  • The anime fandom is extraordinarily sexual. It makes sense when you see that in general, anime is one of the most casually extremely objectifying/sexualizing/tokenizing things you can find… specifically towards women and queer people. Even yuri (lesbian) animes tend to be shounen (aimed at young men) and often are very fetishistic, and anything that resembles queerness is usually used in shounen animes specifically as fan service to their male audience.

    There are MANY animes that I guarantee you only exist for the purpose of porn (more specifically, designed to get popular from people making & spreading porn of them). Rampant and unavoidable horny fan service is a plague

  • sparkle@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone_____ Rule
    14 days ago

    Yeah I think it’s especially construction by analogy with similar words (phonologically or semantically), people tend to say words in a way similar to other words when their mind sees a possible pattern, e.g. if you know it’s mug->mugs, hug->hugs, rug->rugs, pug->pugs, tug->tugs, nug->nugs, you think “obviously it’s wug->wugs” for -/ʌɡ/ words, especially monosyllabic ones, but also maybe polysyllabic words or words that sound similar in some way but not the same, like -/ɔɡ/, -/ʌk/, -/gʌ/, etc. This also goes for words with somewhat different phonologies but similar semantics, e.g. if you know child(er)->children and broth(er)-> brethren, you’ll probably think it would look something like sister->sistren (which is a less common dialectal variant actually). If you know goose->geese, foot->feet, tooth->teeth, you’ll probably think it’s moose->meese and noose->neece and shoop<-sheep and hoof->heef unless you have a reason to expect irregularity. Or mouse->mice and louse->lice, you’ll probably think house->hice and spouse<-spice and blouse->blice.

    But if you haven’t processed enough words that pluralize in a way other than just appending /s/~/(ə)z/ to the end, you’ll of course just think “gooses” and “tooths” and “fishes” and “foots” and stuff. Like what children do. Also common for children to say is “fishies” and “goosies” and anything else with /iz/ added at the end, since singular /i/ and plural /iz/ are common for adults to use as a diminuative/cutesy way of saying them, and the kids pick it up of course.

    All these sound cursed, so I’d rather not think about it too much.

  • sparkle@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    15 days ago

    Usually people like that are one reality check away from unmasking and going full-on “it’s just unnatural, it’s not normal and it’s disgusting”.

    Arguing with conservatives is basically just peeling an onion full of concern baiting, sealioning, plausible deniability, and euphemisms; when you shatter their initial disenginuous line of reasoning (which may seem innocent or reasonable at first to the naked eye), they start digging into arguments that get more and more misdirected and irrational…

    When you exhaust their load of fake arguments/“reasoning” that they bend at will, the ones that only exist to defend their already pre-determined position, they start to show their true colors and get into their real irrational and hateful motives for propogating their beliefs.

    “Well I’m just concerned about LGBT people grooming children”… “I’m fine with the gays as long as they keep it to themselves, this cancel culture is just excessive”… “It’s allowing trans people [[trans women]] in bathrooms and sports that I worry about, think of the real women who are scared and have a biological disadvantage against men”… “Biden is encouraging 8 year olds to transition, this ‘transgender’ thing is just a trend, pride is a ploy for corporations to make more money and you’re just a tool for participating in it”… “Same-sex relations and transgenderism are a sin, I don’t think their freedoms should be restricted, but I disagree with them personally, also gays have a higher rate of abusive relationships”… “Straight people [[men]] are persecuted, there’s nothing made for normal people anymore and it’s all catered towards the gays, it’s dangerous to be straight now, I’m scared of telling someone I’m straight in case they blow up on me and call me homophobic like a blue-haired feminist”… “You shouldn’t be queer in public, what if children watch it and transform into gays themselves, it’s all inordinately fetishistic”… “Being queer is fucking unnatural and seeing men kissing in public is disgusting, your kind are child groomers and rapists, keep your hands off of children, you’re going to Hell, stop spreading your Wokeism ideology and ruining my video games and anime, also traps aren’t gay I’m straight for liking them and MHA and Konosuba and K-On and Dragon Maid are the best animes”

    is about how it goes – minus the anime part, unless you’re on an online anime community, lol (fascists love prepubescent anime girls a lot). They’re very supportive of queer representation as long as it’s exclusively in their pornography and kawaii anime, but only if you objectify and tokenize the queer characters and refuse to acknowledge their queerness, hmmm curious… what amount of Astolfo (Fate) and queer porn addicts do you think aren’t raving homophobes that call feminine male, non-binary, and androgynous anime characters & actors objectifying terms and slurs while simultaneously convincing themselves that what they’re doing is completely straight and that they’re not sinning to the lord? It’d be a faster count than those who are I bet.

  • I agree that the slow compile times are pretty bad (maybe even deal-breakingly for large projects). I think it’s kind of necessary for a language with as powerful of a syntax as Scala though, it’s pretty absurd how expressive you can get. Maybe if it didn’t target the JVM, it’d be able to achieve way faster compile times – I don’t really see a point of even targeting JVM other than for library access (not to say that that isn’t a huge benefit), especially when it has relatively poor compatibility with other JVM languages and it’s nearly impossible to use for Android (don’t try this at home).

    Even more so, I think that null handling isn’t nice – I wish it were more similar to Kotlin’s. One thing I’m really confused as to why Scala didn’t go all-in on is Either/Result like in Rust. Types like that exist, but Scala seems to mostly just encourages you to use exceptions for error propogation/handling rather than returning a Monad.

    A more minor grudge I have is just the high-level primitive types in general – it’s pretty annoying not being able to specify unsigned integers or certain byte-width types by default, but if it really is an issue than it can be worked around. Also things like mutable pointers/references – I don’t actually know if you can do those in Scala… I’ve had many situations where it’d be useful to have such a thing. But that’s mostly because I was probably using Scala for things it’s not as cut out to do.

    With the tuple arguments point, I get it but I haven’t found it much of an issue. I do wish it wasn’t that way and it consistently distinguished between a tuple and an argument list though, either that or make functions take arguments without tuples like in other functional languages or CLI languages (but that’d probably screw a lot of stuff up and make compile times even LONGER). I saw someone on r/ProgrammingLanguages a while back express how their language used commas/delimiters without any brackets to express an argument list.

    I think an actually “perfect” language to me would basically just be Rust but with a bunch of the features that Scala adds – of course the significant functional aspect that Scala has (and the clearly superior lambda syntax), but also the significantly more powerful traits and OOP/OOP-like polymorphism. Scala is the only language that I can say I don’t feel anxious liberally using inheritance in, in fact I use inheritance in it constantly and I enjoy it. Scala’s “enum”/variant inheritance pattern is like Rust enums, but on crack. Obviously, Rust would never get inheritance, but I’ve found myself in multiple situations where I’m thinking “damn, it’s annoying that I have to treat <X trait> and <Y trait> as almost completely serparate”. It would especially be nice in certain situations with const generic traits that are basically variants of each other.

    Plus, I’ve always personally liked function overloading and default arguments and variadics/variadic generics and stuff, but the Rust community generally seems to be against the former 2. I just really hate there being a hundred functions, all a sea of underscores and adjectives, that are basically the same thing but take different numbers of arguments or slightly different arguments.

    The custom operators are a double-edged sword, I love them and always use them, but at the same time it can be unclear as to what they do without digging into documentation. I guess Haskell has a similar problem though, but I don’t think Scala allows you to specify operator precedence like Haskell does and it just relies on the first character’s precedence. I would still want them though.

    How it goes now, though, is I use Scala 3 for project design/prototyping, scripting, and less performance-sensitive projects, and Rust for pretty much everything else (and anything involving graphics or web). Scala has good linear algebra tooling, but honestly I’ll usually use C++ or Python for that most of the time because they have better tooling (and possibly better performance). I would say R too, but matplotlib has completely replaced it for literally everything regarding math for me.