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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Yeeeah… I vaguely remember that. Granted, he was never meant to be a role model, he’s a drug addict (although that doesn’t stop certain men from thinking he’s a badass to emulate?).

    So I guess the real episode would go: one of the cool interns makes the recommendation when brainstorming around a white board, he shoots them down, and then assigns all manner of psych drugs that kinda work until the intern does the treatment themselves and get canned for it (but two seasons later we see they’re a doctor doing a great job).

  • Given school budgets, if they wanna go any lower they’ll need to subside it better. Although most of the schools where I am already maintain a good temp.

    There’s so many scenarios a rule like this would cover, too. In some places, and with some crumbling AC units, it’d probably cost a fortune to even reach 80. I know a relative up in Fresno who pays over 1k in electricity some months (although, no sympathy buying an overly large home in a place like that, something like 3k sqft takes a lot of air!).

  • Who’s both charismatic, young, and intelligent? Don’t get me wrong, I’m quite aware people lie to manipulate others (that’s like all religions) but I don’t think there’s someone in the GOP, or are GOP aligned celebs, who fit the description. Like… who? The best they ran celeb-wise Dr. Oz and he’s am uncharismatic weasel.

    Maybe two of the three, but even that’s a stretch (DeSantis for instance might be two of three but I have doubts he’s particularly intelligent; maybe by GOP standards). I guess someone could emerge but whoever they are, they ain’t on my radar.

  • Oh yeah, I remember how it bitched I didn’t have enough room because it was trying to clone my fucking documents folder without being asked.

    And heaven forbid actually using it. I stored work files on a paid account and it cloned it locally on my laptop nearly killing my 500gb hard drive I the process. Again, unprompted. It’s such a garbage system.