wtf, my muscle memory is impacted?! fuck the environment! /s
wtf, my muscle memory is impacted?! fuck the environment! /s
how anyone can take the IEA predictions seriously is beyond me:
what a load of bullocks:
Scientists still don’t fully understand the association between vaping and lung disease, so it’s unclear what role vaping may have played in Allard’s case.
in the past it usually took a few days for someone to get it working again, but this time it might be some kind of cheat detection.
fortunately dota works as a substitude drug for me
I have played lol for 10 years. Last week, due to some updates lol doesn’t run on Linux at the moment, I switched to dota. I know exactly what you are talking about.
Do you really think this won’t be the norm in 5-10 years? Now it’s some, in a few years OP is right, so why bother with your argument that not all cars are like this at the moment?
They should have send an air balloon instead…
I robs your soul like facebook on steroids. I’m glad I got over the idea of finding someone online based on some self describing texts and vacation pictures.
I feel like even on tinder it’s still the first impression that counts, but the first impression consists of meaningless bullshit, so even if you would connect with someone, the first impressions makes you loath meeting these peoples.
I am glad that I’m not the only one feeling like that. Fuck off tinder, bumble and the likes.
I feel the same way. Personally, I can’t muster up excitement about getting to know someone just by looking at their last vacation pictures. I believe that a meaningful connection can only be established by meeting in person.
Going on 20 dates, only to end up feeling indifferent about everyone, in the hopes of eventually meeting someone I truly connect with, makes me feel like a grumpy old man.
People using dating apps don’t have time to answer questionnaires. You need to invest time to find your soulmate do’h!
I never said i can. I wanted to show how difficult it is to define something like that.
if defining words is that easy for you, can you tell me: “what is a woman?”
some words are more subjective then others and for many feelings and emotions are more important then objective facts to define anything.
because the word feminism has different meanings for different people. for some it means equality and a way to get there. for others it means men are bad and women should get priority treatment. communication is hard when there is no objective meaning for any of the words we are using.
Ganz deiner Meinung, Wenn der quatsch wenigstens auf Fakten basieren würde:
Genauso der “Gender Pay Gap”. Fast niemand, der darüber diskutiert, hat begriffen, dass es dabei eben nicht um eine geringere Bezahlung bei gleicher Tätigkeit von Männern und Frauen geht.
Ich hasse die Afd und bin eher Links eingestellt, aber dieser Gender-Bullshit und die unehrliche Diskussion darum geht mir verdammt auf den Sack und ist meiner Meinung nach sehr entscheidend daran mitschuldig, dass die Afd aktuell einen so hohen Zulauf hat.
Glücklicherweise sieht ein Großteil der Gesellschaft das ähnlich. Ich freue mich schon drauf, wenn diese Phase vorbei ist und wir uns endlich wieder um wirkliche Ungerechtigkeit kümmern können.