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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • My guess is that after he posted the video, a pretty (I dunno by what exact standards, but she does look good in my opinion) girl contacted him:

    • You’re not ugly
    • Shall we then proceed to copulation, miss?
    • We shall indeed.

    The left half of the picture - no idea, but it looks like some movie reference related to overcoming shit and shit

  • I’m from a country where you can tip if you feel like it, I’m living in a country where you don’t tip, because employees are paid.
    But when I was in the US, I understood how hard can it be to feel ok while not overpaying (because tipping is overpaying in many cases). I went to a concert, and there was a lady managing the automated wardrobe system. Leaving a jacket was $5, and on top of that you were offered to leave 10-20-40% tips. For what?
    I entered “0”, the lady was looking at that, and she told me “THANK YOU, SIR!” in a very passive-agressive manner, so I felt like shit. But really, all I wanted is to hang my coat.

  • Well, this is something that I actually used. I have a robo vacuum. I was preparing my home for some guests once, when I saw that the vacuum wasn’t charged fully (because it was mispositioned on its base). I put it to the right spot, let it charge for half an hour, started it and left to buy groceries.
    At the store, I checked the app where I have my apartment mapped by the vacuum that shows its route and cleaning progress. And I saw that with the current charge, it will have to go back, charge and continue. So I set it from “max” power to “normal”, to let it at least finish the job.
    It is a cool and useful thing

  • Yeah, and the aggression in music easily syncs with literal agreccion of the third reich, so it’s a low-hanging fruit if you don’t have other ideas for music and songs. Lemme try:
    Panzer death
    Panzer death
    Blood soaked brothers march
    Panzer death
    Panzer death
    Glory to our patriarch

    bonus points for samples of machinegun added to drums, lyrics in German, bandmembers photographed in pseudo-nazi uniform, etc.

    Some idiots will listen that on repeat in no time

    Edit: Listen to Hanzel und Gretel - SS Deathstar Supergalaktik, it covers most of the the cliches

  • toofpic@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldPls pls pls....
    2 months ago

    There is nationalism: “our people are cooler, let’s favour them, maybe we’ll make it harder for others but we don’t care”, so there are legit parties with that views: conservators, protectionists, socialists (I don’t refer to specific parties or movements, just a general inclination). I don’t like them that much, but we shouldn’t judge opinions, it’s better to promote our own.
    And there’s nazism, which usually refers to an ideology like Hitler’s: “yes, we are better, so let’s kill everyone else or make them slaves”, this is just pure evil, I leave it unexplained because it’s really obvious.