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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The creator says they didn’t beat it. I’m saying that based on their history, I actually think they are lying right now to get people to stop bothering them

    They reportedly were highly addicted to SMM around the time they uploaded this level, having messed up aspects of their lives. They wanted to be left alone about this whole situation but the Internet doesn’t let things like that happen.

    Saying it was a TAS is the easiest way to get everybody to stop playing the level and hopefully stop the discussion 2 weeks sooner.

    I’m happy Team 0% is satisfied with the conclusion. I’m just skeptical, especially considering nobody knew about TAS’s existing for the game near that window.

  • What is “Out the ass” in this context?

    Does Publix not sell premium meat and cheese? The grocery stores in my area do and somebody could definitely get away with that here.

    Much of making a good charcuterie is individually separating things on the board. We are paying for a combination of the time it took to assemble plus the time we will be continuing to eat it and for them to clean up.

  • Starting by saying, I haven’t seen this movie so this is an outsiders opinion.

    This appears to be completely different than your standard super hero fatigue. Some movies are just bad.

    That said, the Groots things you’re expressing aren’t new. Action movies have always had dumb plots filmed with one liners all over. The feelings you’re expressing is that Super Hero movies are just also action movies. Personally, I find them more engaging and entertaining than non-super hero action movies specifically because they aren’t trying to be realistic but also have a continuity that I enjoy. That’s not a general populace thing. That’s a specific reason I enjoy them.

    The minions complaint is just super weird, though. Those movies are tailored to kids. Literally zero adults should be taking them as more than a kids movie.

  • It’s a class warfare anthem, yes. But it’s sung by somebody who actively and openly supports the party that is most egregiously anti-working class right now.

    It’s most likely that 30 years ago he wasn’t as well off as he is now and has had a change of heart in his older age. My point is that he likely doesn’t fully agree with the messaging anymore as he is in fact now quietly rich and voting against the poor.

  • I’ll preface this by saying that in no way do I expect that ES6 will shine more than Starfield and nothing I’m about to say should be construed as such.

    I personally think that Starfield isn’t a good representation of what modern Bethesda will do with ES6. Starfield is the first time any of the major players had been involved in a totally new IP.

    Skyrim was mechanically good enough, but it was only interesting because it was built in a world that was already rich with lore. It built upon a strong foundation of interesting concepts, conflict, and history to move a timeline forward and on top of that allowed for modders to easily expand it further.

    Fallout 3 and 4 followed the same formula as Skyrim. Build a mechanically good enough game built on a rich world and allow modders to expand it.

    Fallout 76 was the first departure from building on what was already there and it was a disaster because it wasn’t mechanically good enough.

    Starfield is a new departure by making something that’s mechanically good enough but also needing to build a whole universe from scratch which left it feeling dull for many.

    ES6 represents an opportunity for Bethesda to go back to the formula that worked for them until now. There is a big risk that they will further streamline the gameplay making it less deep as they have done with every generation, but it’s not a guarantee at this point in time.

  • I do think the argument of a maximum value to contribution is more difficult to make with an artist as the example. Especially one as prevalent as Taylor Swift.

    Art is intended to illicit emotions from people. Music in particular continues to illicit those emotions from years after it is released.

    Are we then saying that the value of people feeling joy has a cap?

    I don’t necessarily disagree with capping the income of an artist. I’m just pointing to the danger of using them as an example.

  • I’ve never seen a problem with asking people to code in a live session. It’s about the problems they are asked to solve. Leetcode style problems are generally unrealistic and have little to do with the skills that are actually needed.

    If the problems were more focused on the day to day type of work, nobody would complain. “solve x problem without the industry standard library that solves that problem already” is just testing the ability to quickly reinvent wheels.

  • To be clear here, I actively hate what Tucker does. He’s a symptom of a great sickness to society that causes more harm then anything else.

    The only part of this that is Carlsons fault is that he took the interview and went to Russia. There’s no other way this would have played out when a reporter does an interview of Putin. Carlson was likely in that room with nothing but Russian agents who let him know exactly what was going to happen before the interview.

    Anything else could have easily resulted in Carlson never coming home.