• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • vermyndax@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldApple AI vs. Microsoft AI
    18 days ago

    I actually like Apple’s approach to AI more than all of the others. I don’t care for Microsoft’s implementation at all. I just try to avoid Microsoft in general on top of that, so no need to complain about it.

    But I do think Apple’s approach to AI from a privacy and implementation perspective is what I would prefer from a software vendor.

  • Anyone that thinks Paul is a hero is completely missing the point. Paul is not a hero, and as a matter of fact, pretty much turns out to be the universe’s most terrible villain. He, along with Jessica and the Bene Gesserit, turn out to be responsible for more than 61 billion deaths.

    Dune is a story that warns against trusting charismatic heroes, along with warnings against mixing politics with religion. The only hero in this story would be Chani, and I felt that the movie’s portrayal of Chani was dead on perfection and actually an improvement on the book.

    Dune seems like a tropish story of “The Chosen One,” but in fact it’s a story about warning us against these figures.

    EDIT: Paul is the most terrible villain until his son, that is.

  • It’s really not as bad as people portray. Most sites do work in Safari. There are some problems, but they’ve been pretty good about licking them over time. It’s passable enough that I only have to punt to an alternate browser once in a while.

    I’ve tried to use Firefox, I really have. But Firefox absolutely murders my battery and I’m sorry, but they need to do some serious usability improvements… especially around the container implementation and tab management. It’s confusing as fuck (to me).