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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Mine was having some weird problem with docker, I think it must be a docker bug. Basically it put the Wanderer stuff at the very bottom of the routes (running “sudo route” on Debian lists the routes). The last entry in the routes table needs to be eth0 or the equivalent so that stuff can loop back to the beginning of the list. At least that’s my understanding.

    So anyway, to get around that bug/limitation I had to create a static docker network which I called “wanderer-static” using docker network create --attachable -d bridge --subnet --gateway wanderer-static. Choose a subnet that’s not being used already.

    Then in the docker compose file, point everything at that network by:


         driver: bridge


        external: true

    And finally, pointing each service to that network. Under each service you should have:

          - wanderer-static

    I also had to update the ORIGIN and whatever else to http://wanderer-static:7000, etc.

  • I think a law passed allowing businesses to do this now. Before they were bound by their agreements with pay processors. Typically they allowed a discount for cash, but not an extra charge for credit. The whole “$10 minimum for credit cards” wasn’t supposed to happen, either.

    Now the payment processors aren’t allowed to enforce that type of rule.

    Source: I read a similar comment elsewhere on the internet a couple of years ago, and that’s what I remember from it.

  • The only downside to keeping everything in a lossless format is that over the years new formats emerge. mp3 used to be the only game in town, but now we have multitudes of lossy formats to pick from. By having your collection in mp3 format, you aren’t able to say “hey, this new format looks cool, let me switch to that”. By storing everything in a lossless format (FLAC), you can convert for mobile as you see fit.