Just another Reddit refugee

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It’s not a pure monopoly by choice. While it’s true Youtube has a monopoly in terms of number of creators, viewers and content, it’s still not a profitable venture. I heard it was burning through money to keep up with the sheer amount of content they have to deal with. Youtube is doing all this monetization now because they have ran out of VC money and upper management decided that it needs to be self-sustaining. Even the obscene amount of data Alphabet is gathering from Youtube does not create enough revenue to generate profit. But it’s a “too-big-to-fail” product now so Alphabet will continue to invest. Competitors saw all of this and just noped out.

    Other commercial video services, like Nebula, have popped up but they are subscription-oriented right from the get-go, like Netflix. This means they have a very small audience and it will take years to build up an audience like Youtube. So I don’t see them growing, at least in the near future.

  • Yeah, the general attitude of wild witch-hunts and instant zero-to-11 rage at the slightest mention of it. Doesn’t matter what you’re actually doing with AI, the moment the mob thinks they scent blood the avalanche is rolling.

    This wasn’t always the case. A lot of research on NLP uses scraped social media posts (2010’s). People never had a problem with that (at least the outrage wasn’t visible back then). The problem now is that our content is being used to create an AI product where there is zero consent taken from the end-user.

    Source: My research colleagues used to work on NLP

  • Let me tell exactly what will happen.

    • Step 1 - It’s opt-in. Everyone chill
    • Step 2 - It’s opt-in but the opt-in button is advertised during startup
    • Step 3 - “opting in in crucial for your safety and comfort” advertised everytime during startup
    • Step 4 - it’s opt-out now but it can be turned off in settings
    • Step 5 - it’s opt-out but the off button is hidden below 3 layers
    • Step 6 - the opt-out button is gone but can be turned off with a registry edit
    • Step 7 - sorry, it’s a core component of W11

    We are currently at Step 1

    This comment is taken from another lemmy post but I forgot the username. Apologies.