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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • You do realize that’s exactly what Wegovy is, right? Ozempic was being prescribed off-label for weight loss so much, it was severely impacting supply for diabetics who needed it to manage their diabetes. They put the drug through a second round of FDA testing to get approval as a weight loss drug.

    And, as someone taking Wegovy for weight loss… it’s no shortcut. It absolutely makes it easier to control your appetite but the side effects are non-trivial. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and I feel lucky I wasn’t heavier when I started, but before this I’ve been anywhere between 235 and 320 up and down for the last 15 years. This medication makes me feel, finally, like I’ve got a shot at losing the weight and getting it to a safe level.

    Now… if you’re talking about the people who want to take it for 2 months to lose some vanity weight before beach season… I absolutely agree.

  • One of my little guys had to go through that back in August. What’s amazing is that he had to eat wet food for several days, and he and my other cat absolutely don’t like wet food. Even when they were kittens, I tried getting them some nice refrigerated wet food as a treat a few times… barely touched.

    I was astonished when my vet told me that once he healed he could go back to dry food. Cats apparently hardly chew their food at all. Vinnie didn’t need all his teeth out, but he had like 8 or 9 removed, and the vet said even if all his teeth had been removed he’d be able to eat dry food.

    After the surgery we started calling him gummy nubbins.

  • Ok… so how do we run people genuinely interested in fixing it? How do we make this not how shit goes? I can’t argue that it’s really disheartening, but the idea that any party is going to run anyone primarily interested in anything other than getting reelected is absurd. The National Committees for each party would never give them a platform. Running third party is suicide here.

    The real change that needs to happen is election reform to provide more transparent campaign financing and moving away from a First Past the Post voting system. That’s how you get people in who can actually fix the issues we have in a constructive and positive manner. It won’t be perfect but it would be helpful. Then we’d have a flourishing of different political parties emerge and voters would have actual choice.

    “That’s the way she goes” shouldn’t hurt turnout. The reality is we’re facing the single greatest threat to the basic ideals of the American Republican Democracy. Bigger things are afoot than cannabis policy. I’ll take this political grandstanding from the Biden administration 10 times out of 10 than one more day of a Trump administration.