• Transporter Room 3@startrek.website
    2 months ago

    Sounds like they’re solidly in mid-late s1 or early s2 to me.

    The early seasons are not my favorite and when I watched with my wife for her first time we skipped a lot of episodes that I feel aren’t necessary for the rest of the show.

    Like most shows that were in the early stages of “hey let’s make a show with continuity that doesn’t just reset to 0 at the end” they were doing a lot of bottle episodes, and really wanted to try and curb the viewers expectations with some episodes. It’s a product of its time. Men dominated action roles and women were sidekicks at best, usually arm candy plot devices.

    So I understand why they wanted an episode like Emancipation but dear god does it feel like beating a dead horse by the end of the episode to me. We get it. Sam is a woman with reproductive bits on the inside, but she can hold her own. You have shown us this many times. Why do you insist on both showing and telling us over and over and over. Sam kicks ass on her own, it doesn’t need to feel forced.

    I love the show but dear God is it hard to get through the first two seasons nowadays.