• Hyperreality@kbin.social
    2 months ago

    I am firmly convinced people don’t realise how good Stargate is, because there’s so much of it, that few have the time to watch all of it and realise how good it is.

    • Hanrahan@slrpnk.net
      2 months ago

      I watched the original movie and thought it one of the best SciFi movies I’d ever seen with an awesome premise. The series was …farirly good .

    • DdCno1@kbin.social
      2 months ago

      How long does it take before it gets good? This might upset fans like you, but I’m having a hard time getting into it, to the point that I have my doubts if it’s worth it. Before you’re asking what I’m doing here, this was randomly in my feed and I only noticed that this was a Stargate community after having written most of my comment.

      I caught some of it when it aired for the first time and was thoroughly unimpressed of it compared to TNG (I’m not a Trekkie either, more of a casual viewer of Star Trek). Then I tried watching it again a few years ago. It left such a terrible impression on me that I had forgotten all about even making the attempt until I tried again recently and noticed after a few absolutely awful episodes that they seemed awfully familiar. The previous attempt had left such a bad impression that I had essentially purged all memories of it. I didn’t even know this was possible.

      I want to like it (I actually liked the first episode a lot), but the writing is just so bad and everything, apart from some of the CG (which holds up quite well) and the solid acting feels cheap and poorly thought out. The mystery and intrigue gets overshadowed by sexism, jingoism, characters that can be summed up on a postage stamp and plots and scenes that are contrived and clumsy. I’m sure they’ll flesh the characters out more over time, but do they ever solve how the female token character is being treated? Does it ever stop feeling cheap and schlocky?

      • Windows_Error_Noises@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Not that anyone isn’t allowed to not enjoy Stargate, but maybe this will help:

        I’m an embarrassingly hardcore sci-fi fan, and it even took me a little to get into SG-1 and beyond (SG Universe is a separate…argument lol) and I’d seen occasional SG episodes as it was airing, and was even living on Cheyenne mountain at that time, so there was a fun “connection”, but it didn’t click with me, it was just confusing and silly and I was all about Star Trek and book learnin’.

        However, it wasn’t until the beginning of the pandemic that I sat down with it, with a very open mind, and later pulled it up as a re-watch when I worked through my comfort re-runs of everything else.

        Upon a second watch through, and learning about it via companion trivia reading with the episodes, I fell for it, pretty hard.

        Now, I work with some official ST stuff, and I’m frankly disheartened and bored by a lot of it. But I’ve never gotten that with Stargate. It’s my constant companion, and my spouse and I find more and more to love and laugh about and enjoy with each episode our dumb asses will watch over and over again.

        It’s, uh, rough in the very beginning. It got so much better once they switched to Sci-Fi Channel, which is amusing really, and it just got better and better. It’s full of callbacks and continuity, referenced goofs, and chemistry that is unparalleled. SG: Atlantis is a fun journey, too, with a great cast, but it took a much larger ensemble to amass anything near the connection that the central 4 have in SG-1. Even when their roll of greatness slowed a bit, in the ending seasons, which like ST:DS9, has a disturbingly timely enemy, they took the stars of Farscape, and Ben Browder slid right in to playing Ben Browder in every role, and Claudia Black 180°s to something bizarrely hilarious when compared to her usual stoicism as Aeryn Sun (I’m 1,000% convinced anyone that is strongly against their casting hasn’t seen Farscape, or doesn’t understand campy humor, at all, haha).

        The last above being said, enjoying, or learning to enjoy campy humor is pivotal for enjoying and understanding Stargate, I feel, anyhow. I probably didn’t connect with it when it was airing because I preferred deep and dark, I was just getting into reading Frank Herbert, and my depression was kicking my ass. I couldn’t have even understood its levity, at the time, let alone cared for it. Too silly, how dare they! But now? Especially knowing it was made…then? It’s just phenomenal.

        Like most recommendations for a TNG era Star Trek series, “Keep watching! It gets good in Season 3!” but really, it all has good, (minus that eerily same misogynistic episode like Code of Honor, ALSO written by Katherine Powers), but I promise you, it’s worth it.

      • Fermion@mander.xyz
        2 months ago

        The portrayal of sexism that Samantha Carter and other female military members face is actually an overall positive part of the shows writing. They highlight how problematic it is and Dr. Samantha Carter continues to rise through the ranks as her accomplishments are recognized by the good leadership that she serves with. She is far from a token character and she provides some of the most significant contributions to the team.

        So that issue you have does get better. I would argue that the writing overall is rather progressive for the time.

        Feel free to not like the show though. It can be a bit hokey. Not everyone enjoys cheesy sci-fi.

      • RiverGhost@slrpnk.net
        2 months ago

        I watched SG1 as a comfort show with my partner, and I am glad I did. I am glad I know the references and have experienced the ‘gems’. I am often amused at some of the bad parts, but not always.

        Many of the bad parts were SO bad that I’d never watch it again, and I wouldn’t recommend you spend your time on this when you already discovered that the bad parts grate this much. Life is short and there’s a lot of other things to experience.

        • teft@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Many of the bad parts were SO bad that I’d never watch it again

          Looking at you, “Emancipation”.

      • me_ow@feddit.nl
        2 months ago

        I think if youve watched some episodes in s1 (which it sounds like you have) feel free to skip to s3 or 4. The story becomes a lot more focused and they find their groove more. After that it just keeps getting better. :)

        • Aganim@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Although around season 7 or 8 the story and pacing did became a bit stagnant as they rounded up several plotlines and it felt a bit as if the writers didn’t quite know where to take the show from there.

          • Confused_Emus@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            If I remember correctly, the last few seasons were each written in a way that they could be the last season because there was uncertainty about renewals. So more like the writers often weren’t sure if they were going to be taking the show anywhere at all.

        • Transporter Room 3@startrek.website
          2 months ago

          Sounds like they’re solidly in mid-late s1 or early s2 to me.

          The early seasons are not my favorite and when I watched with my wife for her first time we skipped a lot of episodes that I feel aren’t necessary for the rest of the show.

          Like most shows that were in the early stages of “hey let’s make a show with continuity that doesn’t just reset to 0 at the end” they were doing a lot of bottle episodes, and really wanted to try and curb the viewers expectations with some episodes. It’s a product of its time. Men dominated action roles and women were sidekicks at best, usually arm candy plot devices.

          So I understand why they wanted an episode like Emancipation but dear god does it feel like beating a dead horse by the end of the episode to me. We get it. Sam is a woman with reproductive bits on the inside, but she can hold her own. You have shown us this many times. Why do you insist on both showing and telling us over and over and over. Sam kicks ass on her own, it doesn’t need to feel forced.

          I love the show but dear God is it hard to get through the first two seasons nowadays.

  • atro_city@fedia.io
    2 months ago

    Stargate was a hoot and a half. The “again in English, Carter?” got old though.

    • Lath@kbin.earth
      2 months ago

      I disagree. Nerds geeking out and descending into a passionate rambling about their favoured subjects is a common reoccurrence that needs to be reigned in periodically. It’s for their own good.

      • DdCno1@kbin.social
        2 months ago

        At least in the few episodes I’ve watched it feels like they are doing it at any point something is being discussed or vocabulary is being used that exceeds that of a fourth grader. The impression is that they aren’t taking their audience seriously at all.

        • SatyrSack@lemmy.oneOP
          2 months ago

          Never underestimate your audience. They’re generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment.